Class CeaLoader

    • Constructor Detail

      • CeaLoader

        public CeaLoader()
    • Method Detail

      • loadAnimatedModel

        public static void loadAnimatedModel​(String file,
                                             String texPath,
                                             boolean asResource)
        Loading an animated model from a file into the asset database. If the model already loaded, this method does nothing.
        file - File to load
        texPath - Location of the models textures
        asResource - Loading model and textures from resources
      • loadAnimatedModel

        public static void loadAnimatedModel​(String file,
                                             String texPath,
                                             boolean asResource,
                                             String name)
        Loading an animated model from a file into the asset database with a specified name. If a model with this name already loaded, this method does nothing.
        file - File to load
        texPath - Location of the models textures
        asResource - Loading model and textures from resources
        name - Name of the model in the AssetDatabase
      • saveAnimatedModelData

        public static void saveAnimatedModelData​(String file,
                                                 AnimatedModelData modelData)
        Saving dataStructures model to a file
        file - Filename to save
        modelData - Meta model to save
      • loadAnimatedModelData

        public static AnimatedModelData loadAnimatedModelData​(String file,
                                                              boolean asResource)
        Loading animated model data from a file
        file - File to load
        asResource - Loading animated model data from resources
        Loaded animated model data