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All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- ACCEPTED - de.coreengine.network.TCPClient.HandshakeResult
- add(T) - Method in class de.coreengine.util.BlockedList
- addActionToPhysicWorld(ActionInterface) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
Adding action interface object to the physics world of the scene
- addAnimatedModel(String, AnimatedModel) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.AssetDatabase
Manually store an animated model into the database.
- addAudioBuffer(int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.MemoryDumper
Adding audio buffer to dump after programm exits
- addAudioSource(int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.MemoryDumper
Adding audio source to dump after programm exits
- addBannedAddress(InetAddress) - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPServer
- addChild(Joint) - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
Adding new child to the joint
- addChild(Transformation) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- addChild(GameObject) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
Adding a new child game object to the childs and setting this as parent
- addCubeMapTexture(String, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Skybox
Adding cube map texture and its initial blending factor to the units.
The factor represents the visibility of the cube map texture. - addEffect(PostProcessingEffect) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.PostProcesser
Adding a new effect to the post processing pipeline
- addElement(float[], float) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Adding an float element to an float array
- addElement(int[], int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Adding an int element to an int array
- addElement(T[], T) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Adding an element to an array
- addFont(String, Font) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.AssetDatabase
Manually store a font into the database.
- addFramebuffer(int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.MemoryDumper
Adding framebuffer to dump after program exits
- addGameObject(GameObject) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.Scene
Adding new game object to the root game object
- addImpliedEffects(List<PostProcessingEffect>) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.DofEffect
- addImpliedEffects(List<PostProcessingEffect>) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.FogEffect
- addImpliedEffects(List<PostProcessingEffect>) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.GaussianBlurEffect
- addImpliedEffects(List<PostProcessingEffect>) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.HsbEffect
- addImpliedEffects(List<PostProcessingEffect>) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.LightScatteringEffect
- addImpliedEffects(List<PostProcessingEffect>) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.PostProcessingEffect
Adding all effects that will be implied by this effect to the list.
- addImpliedEffects(List<PostProcessingEffect>) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.RadialBlurEffect
- addIndexBuffer(int[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.VertexArrayObject
Creates new IndexBuffer and adding it to the vao
- addInstancedVertexBuffer(int, int, int, int) - Method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.VertexArrayObject
Adding a vertex buffer, that change sper instance.
- addItem(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.List
Adding item to the list.
- addKeyFrame(KeyFrame<Component>) - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.KeyFrameList
Adding a keyframe to the end of the list
- addLights() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Moon
Adding lights of the moon to the masterrenderer
- addModel(String, Model) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.AssetDatabase
Manually store a model into the database.
- addPosX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Adding value to the x position
- addPosX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- addPosY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Adding value to the y position
- addPosY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- addPosZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Adding value to the z position
- addPosZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- addProgramm(int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.MemoryDumper
Adding shader program to dump after program exits
- addRenderbuffer(int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.MemoryDumper
Adding renderbuffer to dump after program exits
- addRigidBodyToWorld(RigidBody) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
Adding rigidbody to the physics world of the game objects scene
- addRotX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Adding value to the x rotation
- addRotX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- addRotY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Adding value to the y rotation
- addRotY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- addRotZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Adding value to the z rotation
- addRotZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- addScaleX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Adding value to the x scale
- addScaleX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- addScaleY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Adding value to the y scale
- addScaleY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- addScaleZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Adding value to the z scale
- addScaleZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- addShader(int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.MemoryDumper
Adding shader to dump after program exits
- addShader(String[], int, String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Adding new shader from sourcecode to the program
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.DeferredShader
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.AnimatedEntityShader
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShaderAdvanced
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.FontShader
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.GrasslandShader
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.GUIShader
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.LensFlareShader
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.ParticleShader
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.PPShader
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Adding shaders to program
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.ShadowMapShader
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.SkyboxShader
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.SunMoonShader
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.TerrainShader
- addShaders() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.WaterShader
- addSound(String, Integer) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.AssetDatabase
Manually store a sound into the database.
- addTexture(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.LensFlare
Adding texture to the lens flare effect
- addTexture(int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.MemoryDumper
Adding texture to dump after program exits
- addTexture(String, Integer) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.AssetDatabase
Manually store a texture into the database.
- addVertexBuffer(float[], int, int) - Method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.VertexArrayObject
Adding new VertexBufferObject (VBO) to the VAO
- addVertexBuffer(int[], int, int) - Method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.VertexArrayObject
Adding new VertexBufferObject (VBO) to the VAO
- addWindowListener(WindowChangedListener) - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
Adding new listener that gets called, when the window changed.
- ADVANCED_SHADER - Static variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.EntityRenderer
- AL - Class in de.coreengine.sound
Class to manage openAL stuff
- AL() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.sound.AL
- alignTo(Vector3f) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
Aligning the terrain quadtree to the position pos.
- alphaMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- alphaMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
Alpha map, wich contains additionally alpha information
- AmbientLight - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light
Class that represents an ambient light in the scene
- AmbientLight() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.AmbientLight
- ambientOcclusionMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- ambientOcclusionMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
Ambient occlusion map, wich contains the ambient lighting clarification for the specific pixel
- Animated - Class in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects
- Animated() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Animated
- AnimatedEntity - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable
Class that represents an animated entity in the world
- AnimatedEntity() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.AnimatedEntity
- AnimatedEntityRenderer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
Renderer that can render an model into the world
- AnimatedEntityRenderer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.AnimatedEntityRenderer
- AnimatedEntityShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity
Shader for the animated entity renderer
- AnimatedEntityShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.AnimatedEntityShader
- AnimatedModel - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.model
- AnimatedModel(Mesh[], Joint, HashMap<String, Animation>) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.model.AnimatedModel
Creating new animated model
- AnimatedModelData - Class in de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures
- AnimatedModelData() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.AnimatedModelData
- Animation - Class in de.coreengine.animation
Represents a animation that can be played by an animated model
- Animation(String, List<KeyFrameList<Vector3f>>, List<KeyFrameList<Quat4f>>, List<KeyFrameList<Vector3f>>) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.animation.Animation
Creating animation and init values
- AnimationParser - Class in de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader
- AnimationParser(AIAnimation) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.AnimationParser
Creates new animation data to parse an ai animation
- animations - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.AnimatedModelData
- Animator - Class in de.coreengine.animation
- Animator() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.animation.Animator
- apply() - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioListener
Applying the listener to the scene
- applyAnimation(Joint, Animation, float) - Static method in class de.coreengine.animation.Animator
Setting a skeleton and all its children into the current pose of an animation
- arrayToString(float[], String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Convert a float array into a string
- AssetDatabase - Class in de.coreengine.asset
Class to store loaded assets
- AssetDatabase() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.AssetDatabase
- AudioListener - Class in de.coreengine.sound
Class that represents a listener for the audios
- AudioListener() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.sound.AudioListener
- AudioSource - Class in de.coreengine.sound
Class that represents a audio source to play audio from
- AudioSource() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.sound.AudioSource
Create new audio source
- banClient(int, String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPServer
Banning client from the server
- BANNED - de.coreengine.network.TCPClient.HandshakeResult
- bind() - Method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.IndexBuffer
Binds IndexBuffer to opengl
- bind() - Method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.VertexArrayObject
Bind VAO to opengl
- bind(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.FrameBufferObject
Binding framebuffer as draw framebuffer and bind all color buffers.
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.DeferredShader
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.AnimatedEntityShader
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShaderAdvanced
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.FontShader
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.GrasslandShader
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.GUIShader
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.LensFlareShader
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.ParticleShader
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.PPShader
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Binding all vbo attributes to shader attribute ("in" variable)
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.ShadowMapShader
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.SkyboxShader
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.SunMoonShader
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.TerrainShader
- bindAttribs() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.WaterShader
- bindAttribute(int, String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Binding an attribute from a vbo to an 'in' variable in the shader programm
- bindTexture(int, int, int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Binding texture to an opengl textureunit
- bindTextureUnit(String, int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Binding uniform variable to opengl texture unit
- BL - de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode.Direction
- blitToFbo(FrameBufferObject, int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.FrameBufferObject
Blitting/writing color and depth information from this fbo into another fbo
- blitToScreen() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.FrameBufferObject
Blitting this fbo onto the glfw window
- BlockedList<T> - Class in de.coreengine.util
Linked list that is securedby a semaphore
- BlockedList() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.BlockedList
- BoneParser - Class in de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader
- BoneParser(AIBone) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.BoneParser
Creating new bone data that can parse data from an ai bone
- BORDERLESS_WINDOW - de.coreengine.framework.Window.Type
- BR - de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode.Direction
- BufferUtils - Class in de.coreengine.util
Buffer utilities
- BufferUtils() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.BufferUtils
- Button - Class in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui
Class that represents a button in the 2d or 3d world
- Button(GUIPane) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.Button
Creating new Button and setting its parent or null, if no parent gui exist
- ButtonListener - Interface in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui
Listener for the Button class
- ByteArrayUtils - Class in de.coreengine.util
Utilities with byte arrays
- ByteArrayUtils() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.ByteArrayUtils
- calcAnimatedTransformAndPose(Matrix4f) - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
Calculate the animated and pose transformation by multiplying the local pose (transformation matrix of the joint in bone space) with all parents local poses and the inverse bind matrix (inverted pose in model space).
- calcBindPose(Matrix4f) - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
Calculate the bind pose transformation by multiplying the local bind pose (bind transformation matrix of the joint in bone space) with all parents local bind poses.
- calcTangent(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Calculating tangent for a triangle
- Camera - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable
Represent a moveable camera in the 3d world
- Camera() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Creating new camera at (0, 0, 0) with no rotation Reclaculate all matrices
- CameraRay - Class in de.coreengine.util
Class that can calcthe ray, the camera is looking to
- CameraRay() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.CameraRay
- camPosLoc - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- CeaLoader - Class in de.coreengine.asset
Class that can load cea (Core Engine Animated Model) files
- CeaLoader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.CeaLoader
- CemLoader - Class in de.coreengine.asset
Class that can load cem (Core Engine Model) files (see de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures)
- CemLoader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.CemLoader
- CENTER - de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText.Alignment
- change() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.Syncronized
Sync object at next sync
- Character - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.model
Class that represent a character of a font
- Character(float, float, float, IndexBuffer) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Character
Creating new character for a font
- ChatEvent - Class in de.coreengine.network.events
Event class for chats
- ChatEvent(String) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.network.events.ChatEvent
Creating chat event handler
- check() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.events.SimpleEvent
- clear() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.List
Clear list
- clear() - Method in class de.coreengine.util.BlockedList
Clearing list
- CLIENT - de.coreengine.network.NetworkManager.NetworkState
- clientCount() - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPServer
- clipPlaneLoc - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- CollisionShapeParser - Class in de.coreengine.util.bullet
Parse and unparsing collisionshapes from/into strings
- CollisionShapeParser() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.bullet.CollisionShapeParser
- Color - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.model
Represent a color in syncron rgb, hsb and srgb color models
- Color() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Color
Creates a new white color
- Color(float, float, float) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Color
Creating new color with init rgb values
- combine(byte[]...) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.ByteArrayUtils
Combining multiple byte arrays
- compare(Color) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Color
Comparing the rgb values of this color and the the parameter color and returning result
- Configuration - Class in de.coreengine.util
Class that can load a config file with default values and stores them
- Configuration() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.Configuration
- create(int, int, String, Window.Type, TextureData) - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
Create and show a new glfw-window
- createConvexHullShape(float[]) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.bullet.Physics
Creating a convex hull shape from vertices.
- createDynamicsWorld(float) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.bullet.Physics
Creating a default JBullet dynamics world
- createRigidBody(float, CollisionShape, boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.bullet.Physics
Creating new RigidBody with a specific shape.
- createTerrainRigidBody() - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.bullet.Physics
Create new terrain rigid body.
- createTerrainShape(Terrain, int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.bullet.TerrainShapeCreator
Creating a static collision shape for a terrain with a specific resolution.
- createTriangleMeshShape(float[], int[]) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.bullet.Physics
Creates a collision shape for a triangle mesh shape.
- createTriangleMeshShape(float[], int[][]) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.bullet.Physics
Creates a collision shape for a triangle mesh shape.
- Cube3D - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons
Representing a simple 3 dimensional cube model
- Cube3D() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.Cube3D
- data - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.TextureData
- DayNightCycle - Class in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects
Class that can simulate a day night cycle with skybox, fog and sun
- DayNightCycle(String, Color, String, Color, String, Color, String, String) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.DayNightCycle
Creating new day night cycle
- de.coreengine.animation - package de.coreengine.animation
- de.coreengine.asset - package de.coreengine.asset
- de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures - package de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures
- de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader - package de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader
- de.coreengine.framework - package de.coreengine.framework
- de.coreengine.network - package de.coreengine.network
- de.coreengine.network.events - package de.coreengine.network.events
- de.coreengine.network.syncronized - package de.coreengine.network.syncronized
- de.coreengine.rendering - package de.coreengine.rendering
- de.coreengine.rendering.model - package de.coreengine.rendering.model
- de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons - package de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons
- de.coreengine.rendering.programs - package de.coreengine.rendering.programs
- de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity - package de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity
- de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp - package de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp
- de.coreengine.rendering.renderable - package de.coreengine.rendering.renderable
- de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui - package de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui
- de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light - package de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light
- de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain - package de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain
- de.coreengine.rendering.renderer - package de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
- de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects - package de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects
- de.coreengine.sound - package de.coreengine.sound
- de.coreengine.system - package de.coreengine.system
- de.coreengine.system.gameObjects - package de.coreengine.system.gameObjects
- de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui - package de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui
- de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle - package de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle
- de.coreengine.util - package de.coreengine.util
- de.coreengine.util.bullet - package de.coreengine.util.bullet
- de.coreengine.util.gl - package de.coreengine.util.gl
- DEDICATED_SERVER - de.coreengine.network.NetworkManager.NetworkState
- DEFAULT_NORMAL_MAP - Static variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
A pure blue texture (default for normal maps)
- DEFAULT_SHADER - Static variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.EntityRenderer
- DeferredRenderer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
Representing a renderer that rendering deferred lights into a gbuffer
- DeferredRenderer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.DeferredRenderer
- DeferredShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs
Representing the shader for the deferred light rendering with a gbuffer
- DeferredShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.DeferredShader
- deinit() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.GLFW
Deinitialize glfw
- deinit() - Static method in class de.coreengine.sound.AL
Destroy OpenAL context and exit device
- destroy() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
Destroy glfw window
- diffuseColor - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- diffuseColor - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
The diffuse color describes additional color information for diffuse lighting
- diffuseColorLoc - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- diffuseMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- diffuseMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
Diffuse map, wich contains the color information for the diffuse lighting for the specific pixels
- diffuseMapUnit - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- DirectionalLight - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light
Represents a directional light in the scene
- DirectionalLight() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.DirectionalLight
- disableAttribute(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.VertexArrayObject
Disable specific row of the VAO
- disableAttributes() - Method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.VertexArrayObject
Disable all rows of the VAO
- disableText() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Disable text of the pane
- displacementFactor - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- displacementFactor - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
The displacement factor describes the intensity of the parallax occlusion mapping
- displacementMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- displacementMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
Displacement map, wich contains the parallax occlusion displacement clarification for the specific pixel
- DofEffect - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects
Dof effect for the post processer
- DofEffect() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.DofEffect
Creating new dof effect
- DofPPShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp
Shader for dof effect
- DofPPShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.DofPPShader
- dumpMemory() - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.MemoryDumper
Dumping all memory saved opengl stuff.
- enableAttribute(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.VertexArrayObject
Enable specific row of the VAO
- enableAttributes() - Method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.VertexArrayObject
Enable all rows of the VAO
- enableText() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Enable text of the pane
- Entity - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable
Class that represents an entity in the world
- Entity() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Entity
- EntityRenderer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
Renderer that can render an model into the world
- EntityRenderer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.EntityRenderer
- EntityShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity
Shader for the object renderer Default simple entity shader.
- EntityShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- EntityShaderAdvanced - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity
Shader for the object renderer More advanced entity shader.
- EntityShaderAdvanced() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShaderAdvanced
- err(String, String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Logger
Prints and logging error message to console
- ERROR - de.coreengine.network.TCPClient.HandshakeResult
- event() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.Event
- event() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.events.ChatEvent
- event() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.events.SimpleEvent
- event(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.Event
- event(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.events.ChatEvent
- event(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.events.SimpleEvent
- Event - Class in de.coreengine.network
Abstract class for network events
- Event(String) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.network.Event
- eventOccured() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.Event
Has an event occured
- exit() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.PostProcessingEffect
Exiting the effect
- exit(int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.system.Game
Exiting the game and dumping all reserved memory
- FileLoader - Class in de.coreengine.asset
Class that can read and write files onto the drive
- FileLoader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.FileLoader
- FntLoader - Class in de.coreengine.asset
Class that can load a fnt file and its texture atlas
- FntLoader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.FntLoader
- FogEffect - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects
Fog effect for the post processer
- FogEffect() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.FogEffect
Creating new fog effect
- FogPPShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp
Shader for fog effect
- FogPPShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.FogPPShader
- Font - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.model
Class that represent a font to render text
- Font(String, HashMap<Integer, Character>, VertexArrayObject, float) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Font
Creating new font
- FontRenderer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
Class that can render a GUIText
- FontRenderer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.FontRenderer
- FontShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs
Shader for the font renderer
- FontShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.FontShader
- FPCamera - Class in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects
Represents a first person camera to walk around
- FPCamera(float, float, float) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.FPCamera
Create new fp cam and grab mouse
- FrameBufferObject - Class in de.coreengine.rendering
Class that represents a frame buffer object in opengl
- FrameBufferObject(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.FrameBufferObject
Creates new framebuffer in opengl and attaching first color buffer (color buffer 0) and depth buffer
- FrameTimer - Class in de.coreengine.util
Class that calculates the time since last second and the fps
- FrameTimer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.FrameTimer
- fromBytes(byte[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Animation
Constructing animation from bytes.
First Sector [MetaData]:
NameSize (int) | PositionKeyListCount (int) | RotationKeyListCount (int) | ScaleKeyListCount (int) | PositionKeyList0KeyCount (int) | PositionKeyList1KeyCount (int) | ... - fromBytes(byte[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
Constructing this joint hierarchy from bytes.
First Sector [MetaData]:
JointCount (int) | Joint0NameSize (int) | Joint1NameSize (int) | ...
Second Sector [JointData]:
Joint0Index (int) | Joint0ParentIndex (int) | Joint0Name (String) | Joint0InverseBindMatrix (float[]) | Joint0BindLocalPoseMatrix (float[]) | Joint1Index (int) | ... - fromBytes(byte[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.AnimatedModelData
Constructing this animated model data from bytes.
First Sector [MetaData]:
ModelSize (int) | SkeletonSize (int) | AnimationCount (int) | Animation0Size (int) | Animation1Size (int) | ...
Second Sector [ModelData]:
Model (ModelData)
Third Sector [Skeleton]:
Skeleton (Joint)
Fourth Sector [Animations]:
Animation0 (Animation) | Animation1 (Animation) | ... - fromBytes(byte[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
Constructing dataStructure material from a byte array.
First Sector [MetaData]:
DefaultDiffuseColor (byte) | DefaultGlowColor (byte) | DiffuseMap size in bytes (short) | NormalMap size in bytes (short) | SpecularMap size in bytes (short) | DisplacementMap size in bytes (short) | AmbientOcclusionMap size in bytes (short) | AlphaMap size in bytes (short) | ReflectionMap size in bytes (short) | GlowMap size in bytes (short) | DefaultDisplacementFactor (byte) | DefaultTiling (byte) | DefaultShininess (byte) | DefaultShineDamping (byte)
Second Sector [Colors]:
DiffuseColor (3 floats) | GlowColor (3 floats)
Third Sector [Textures]:
DiffuseMapPath (string) | NormalMapPath (string) | SpecularMapPath (string) | DisplacementMapPath (string) | AmbientOcclusionMapPath (string) | AlphaMapPath (string) | ReflectionMapPath (string) | GlowMapPath (string)
Fourth Sector [Floats]:
DisplacementFactor (float) | Tiling (float) | Shininess (float) | ShineDamping (float) - fromBytes(byte[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MeshData
Constructing dataStructure mesh from a byte array.
First Sector [MetaData]:
VerticesSize (int) | TextureCoordinatesSize (int) | NormalsSize (int) | TangentsSize (int) | JointIdsSize (int) | WeightsSize (int) | IndicesSize (int) | MaterialSize (int) | CollisionShapeSize (int)
Second Sector [MeshData]:
Vertices (float[]) | TextureCoordinates (float[]) | Normals (float[]) | Tangents (float[]) | JointIds (int[]) | Weights (float[]) | Indices (int[])
Third Sector [Material]:
Material (MaterialData)
Fourth Sector [CollisionShape]:
CollisionShape (String) - fromBytes(byte[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.ModelData
Constructing dataStructure model from a byte array.
First Sector [MetaData]:
MeshCount (int) | Mesh0Size (int) | Mesh1Size (int) | ...
Second Sector [MeshData]:
Mesh0 (MeshData) | Mesh1 (MeshData) | ... - fromBytesf(byte[]) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.ByteArrayUtils
Converting a byte array into a float array
- fromBytesi(byte[]) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.ByteArrayUtils
Converting a byte array into a int array
- fromBytesm4(byte[]) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.ByteArrayUtils
Converting a byte array into a matrix4f array
- fromBytess(byte[]) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.ByteArrayUtils
Converting a byte array into a short array
- FULL - de.coreengine.network.TCPClient.HandshakeResult
- FULLSCREEN - de.coreengine.framework.Window.Type
- Game - Class in de.coreengine.system
Class that manage the whole game
- Game() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.Game
- GameObject - Class in de.coreengine.system
Class that represents an object in the game
- GameObject() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
- GaussianBlurEffect - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects
- GaussianBlurEffect() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.GaussianBlurEffect
- GaussianBlurPPShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp
- GaussianBlurPPShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.GaussianBlurPPShader
- GBuffer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering
Class that represent a gBuffer fbo for deferred rendering
- GBuffer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.GBuffer
Creates new gBuffer with the size of the glfw window
- generateKey(String, boolean, int) - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.TextureData
Generating key to acces texture in asset database
- generateRandomColor() - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
- get() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncFloat
- get(LinkedList<T>) - Method in class de.coreengine.util.BlockedList
Getting message from list and storing into out
- get(Matrix4f) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncMatrix
- getActiveColor() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.TextField
- getAdditiveColor() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getAddress() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPServerClient
- getAdvancex() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Character
- getAmplitude() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainConfig
Returning the current vertical scaling of the terrain in terrain space.
The terrain max height in world space will be scale * amplitude + y. - getAnimatedEntity() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Animated
- getAnimatedModel(String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.AssetDatabase
Getting animated model by name from the database.
- getAnimatedTransform() - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
- getAnimation() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.AnimationParser
- getAnimations() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.AnimatedModel
- getAnimations() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Animated
- getArea() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
Getting the area of the grassland around the player as 2d vector.
- getAspect() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
- getAttenuation() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.PointLight
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.TextField
- getBindPose() - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
- getBlendingFactors() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Skybox
- getBlendMap() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainConfig
- getBlue() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Color
- getBlueMaterial() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainTexturePack
- getBrightness() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.LensFlare
- getBrightness() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.HsbEffect
- getByName(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
Getting first found joint in this hierarchy with this name.
- getCamera() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
- getCamera() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.FPCamera
- getCamera() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.TPCamera
- getCaps() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.DayNightCycle
Getting read/writeable vec4f with the day/night caps.
- getCenter() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.DayNightCycle
- getCenter() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.ShadowBox
Calculates the center of the "view cuboid" in light space first, and then converts this to world space using the inverse light's view matrix.
- getCharacter(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Font
Getting character for specific ascii
- getChars() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText
- getChildren() - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
- getChilds() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode
Gets all child nodes of this node.
If the node is a leaf, the childs will be returned anyway. - getClients() - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPServer
Getting an array of all clients that are connected to the server.
- getClipPlane() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getColor() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
- getColor() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.AmbientLight
- getColor() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Moon
- getColor() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.FogEffect
- getColorAttachment0() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.FrameBufferObject
Returning the id of the color attachment texture, if multisampling is disabled.
- getColorBuffer() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.GBuffer
- getConfig() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
- getCubeMapTextures() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Skybox
- getCurrentScene() - Static method in class de.coreengine.system.Game
- getData() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.TextureData
- getDensity() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
- getDensity() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.DofEffect
Getting fogs density.
- getDensity() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.FogEffect
Getting fogs density.
- getDensityMap() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
Returning the densitymap for this grassland.
- getDepthAttachment() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.FrameBufferObject
Returning the id of the depth texture, if multisampling is disabled.
- getDirection() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.DirectionalLight
Getting the direction, the light is shining to as vector (x, y, z).
f.e. - getDirection() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.SpotLight
Getting the direction, the light is pointing to as vector (x, y, z).
f.e. - getDirection() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode
- getDirections() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.DofEffect
Getting the directions to blur.
- getDirections() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.GaussianBlurEffect
Getting the directions to blur.
- getDistance() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
- getDownBt() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.NumericUpDown
- getDudvMap() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getDWheel() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- getDx() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- getDy() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- getEffectedVertices() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.BoneParser
- getEntity() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Simple
- getFacingMatrix() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Getting cameras facing matrix, where the object every time facing the camera
- getFacingMVPMatrix(float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Getting cameras current view projection matrix, where the object every time facing the camera
- getFarPlane() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Gets cameras far plane distance
- getFog() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.DayNightCycle
- getFont() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText
- getFont(String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.AssetDatabase
Getting font by name from the database.
- getFontColor() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText
- getFontSize() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText
- getFov() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Gets cameras field of view
- getFps() - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.FrameTimer
- getFullMesh() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.TerrainMesh
- getGBUFFER() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
- getGlobalScaleX() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
Get the global x scale of this transformation matrix.
- getGlowingBuffer() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.GBuffer
- getGradient() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.DofEffect
Getting fogs gradient.
- getGradient() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.FogEffect
Getting fogs gradient.
- getGrassland() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
- getGreen() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Color
- getGreenMaterial() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainTexturePack
- getHeight() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.TextureData
- getHeight() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
- getHeight() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.ShadowBox
- getHeightMap() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainConfig
- getHue() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.HsbEffect
- getId() - Method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.IndexBuffer
- getIndex() - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
- getIndex() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Character
- getIndex() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIChar
- getIndexBuffer() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Mesh
- getInstance() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.Cube3D
- getInstance() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.Point3D
- getInstance() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.Quad2D
- getInstance() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.TerrainMesh
- getInstance(String, boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.AnimatedModelData
Creates new animated model instance of the dataStructure animated model
- getInstance(String, boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
Getting a new instance of the dataStructure material
- getInstance(String, boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.ModelData
Creates new model instance of the dataStructure model
- getInstance(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MeshData
Creating new mesh instance of the dataStructure model
- getIntensity() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.AmbientLight
- getItemColor() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.List
- getKey() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.TextureData
- getKey() - Method in class de.coreengine.util.Pair
- getLength() - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Animation
- getLength() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.ShadowBox
- getLightCone() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.SpotLight
Getting the light cone of the spotlight as vec2f for read and writing.
- getLightDirection() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.ShadowBox
Read/Writeable vector of the light/shadow direction (most likely inverted lightposition)
- getLightMap() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainConfig
- getLightsView() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.ShadowLight
Getting the view camera of the shadow light
- getLineHeight() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Font
- getLocalPose() - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
- getLod() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode
Getting the lod level of this specific node
- getMaterial() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Mesh
- getMaterial() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainTexturePack
- getMaterialData() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.MaterialParser
- getMaxPlayers() - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPServer
- getMesh() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
- getMeshData() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.MeshParser
- getMeshes() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Model
- getMessage() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.events.ChatEvent
Getting last message from network or null, if no messsage came
- getModel() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.AnimatedEntity
- getModel() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Entity
- getModel(String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.AssetDatabase
Getting model by name from the database.
- getMoon() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Read and writeable getter for the current setted moon.
- getMoon() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.DayNightCycle
- getMorphB() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.TerrainMesh
- getMorphBL() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.TerrainMesh
- getMorphBR() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.TerrainMesh
- getMorphL() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.TerrainMesh
- getMorphR() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.TerrainMesh
- getMorphT() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.TerrainMesh
- getMorphTL() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.TerrainMesh
- getMorphTR() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.TerrainMesh
- getMultiplicativeColor() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getName() - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Animation
- getName() - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
- getName() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.AnimationParser
- getName() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.BoneParser
- getNearPlane() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Gets cameras near plane distance
- getNeighboursGeBottom() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode
Gets the greater or equal bottom neighbour node
returns null if its root node or neighbour is smaller - getNeighboursGeLeft() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode
Gets the greater or equal left neighbour node
returns null if its root node or neighbour is smaller - getNeighboursGeRight() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode
Gets the greater or equal right neighbour node
returns null if its root node or neighbour is smaller - getNeighboursGeTop() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode
Gets the greater or equal top neighbour node
returns null if its root node or neighbour is smaller - getNewSkeletonInstance() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.AnimatedModel
Creating a new instanceof the skeleton of this model.
- getNormalBuffer() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.GBuffer
- getNormalMap() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getOffset() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIChar
- getOffset() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getOffsetMatrix() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.BoneParser
- getOffsetx() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Character
- getOffsety() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Character
- getOrigin() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.RadialBlurEffect
- getOrthoMatrix() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
Get orthogonal projection matrix of the window
- getPane() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.Button
- getPane() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.List
- getPane() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.NumericUpDown
- getPane() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.TextField
- getParent() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode
- getParticle() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.MovingParticle
- getPhysicWorld() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.Scene
Getting the physical collision world of this scene.
- getPickColor() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.AnimatedEntity
- getPickColor() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Entity
- getPickColor() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
- getPickedColor() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
- getPickingBuffer() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.GBuffer
- getPitch() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Gets cameras pitch (rotation around the x axis) in degrees
- getPlayerName() - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPClient
- getPlayerName() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.PlayerGameObject
Getting the name of this player on the server.
- getPlayers() - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPClient
- getPose() - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
- getPosition() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Gets cameras current position in world space as 3d vector
- getPosition() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.PointLight
- getPosition() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Moon
- getPosition() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Particle
- getPosition() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode
Getting the position/offset of this chunk relative to the terrain (0, 0) coordinate
- getPosition() - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioListener
- getPosition() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.ParticleSystem
- getPositionBuffer() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.GBuffer
- getPosx() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- getPosX() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the x position
- getPosX() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- getPosX() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Getting x pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
- getPosy() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- getPosY() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the y position
- getPosY() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- getPosY() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Getting y pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
- getPosZ() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the z position
- getPosZ() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- getPosZ() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Getting z pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
- getPPFragShaderFile() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.DofPPShader
- getPPFragShaderFile() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.FogPPShader
- getPPFragShaderFile() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.GaussianBlurPPShader
- getPPFragShaderFile() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.HsbPPShader
- getPPFragShaderFile() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.LightScatteringPPShader
- getPPFragShaderFile() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.PPShader
- getPPFragShaderFile() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.RadialBlurPPShader
- getPrefix() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPServerClient
- getProjectionMatrix() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
- getQuality() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.DofEffect
Getting the blur quality.
- getQuality() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.GaussianBlurEffect
Getting the blur quality.
- getRay() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
- getRay() - Method in class de.coreengine.util.CameraRay
- getRed() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Color
- getRedMaterial() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainTexturePack
- getReflectionFbo() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getRefractionFbo() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getResource(String, boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.FileLoader
Reading a ascii resource from resources into a string array
- getRoll() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Gets cameras roll (rotation around the z axis) in degrees
- getRotX() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the x rotation
- getRotX() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- getRotX() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Gets the current rotation matrix around the x axis
- getRotX() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Getting x rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
- getRotY() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the y rotation
- getRotY() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- getRotY() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Gets the current rotation matrix around the y axis
- getRotY() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Getting y rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
- getRotZ() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the z rotation
- getRotZ() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- getRotZ() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Gets the current rotation matrix around the z axis
- getRotZ() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Getting z rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
- getSaturation() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.HsbEffect
- getScale() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
- getScale() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getScaleX() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the x scale
- getScaleX() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- getScaleX() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Getting vertical scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
- getScaleY() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the y scale
- getScaleY() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- getScaleY() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Getting horizontal scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
- getScaleZ() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the z scale
- getScaleZ() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- getScaleZ() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Getting Z scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
- getScene() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
Getting scene of this game object, by getting scene of the root game object of the tree
- getSelectedColor() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.List
- getSelectedItem() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.List
- getShader() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Entity
- getShadowMap() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.ShadowLight
- getShape() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Mesh
- getShape() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
- getShineDamper() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
Get shine damper for specular lighting
- getShininess() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
Get shininess for specular lighting
- getSize() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.LensFlare
- getSize() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Moon
- getSize() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Particle
- getSize() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode
Getting the horizontal scaling/size of this terrain node (squared)
- getSize() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.DofEffect
Getting the blur size.
- getSize() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.GaussianBlurEffect
Getting the blur size.
- getSize() - Method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.IndexBuffer
- getSkeleton() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.NodeParser
- getSkeleton() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.AnimatedEntity
- getSkybox() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
- getSkybox() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.DayNightCycle
- getSkyboxFbo() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Skybox
Fbo that stores the rendered skybox.
- getSoftEdgeDepth() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getSound(String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.AssetDatabase
Getting sound by name from the database.
- getState() - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.NetworkManager
- getStatus() - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.KeyFrame
- getSun() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Read and writeable getter for the current setted sun.
- getSun() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.DayNightCycle
- getSunBuffer() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.GBuffer
- getSupportedVideoModes() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
- getTarget() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.TPCamera
- getTerrainQuadtree() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
Returning the terrain quadtree (the root nodes of the tree)
- getTesselationArea() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainConfig
Getting the terrains current tesselation area as 3d vector.
- getText() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
- getText() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText
- getText() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.TextField
- getTextField() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.NumericUpDown
- getTexture() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
- getTexture() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Moon
- getTexture() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Particle
- getTexture(String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.AssetDatabase
Getting texture by name from the database.
- getTextureAtlas() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Font
- getTexturePack() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainConfig
- getTextures() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.LensFlare
- getTiling() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getTimestamp() - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.KeyFrame
- getTransform() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.AnimatedEntity
- getTransform() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Entity
- getTransMat() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
- getTransMat() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- getTransMat() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
- getTransMat() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Skybox
- getTransMat() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
- getTransMat() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getTransMatArr() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
- getTransMatArr() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- getTransMatFacing(Camera) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
- getTransparency() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
Setting the waters transparency (ration of reflectiona dn refraction).
- getTslf() - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.FrameTimer
- getTuftScale() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
- getType() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
- getTypedChars() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- getUniformLocation(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Getting location of anshader uniform variable
- getUpBt() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.NumericUpDown
- getValue() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.NumericUpDown
- getValue() - Method in class de.coreengine.util.Pair
- getValuef(String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Configuration
Getting float value of setting Loggin an error and returning 1, if setting not found
- getValuefa(String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Configuration
Getting float array value of setting Loggin an error and returning {}, if setting not found
- getValuei(String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Configuration
Getting int value of setting Loggin an error and returning 1, if setting not found
- getValues(String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Configuration
Getting string value of setting Loggin an error and returning "", if setting not found
- getVao() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Font
- getVao() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Mesh
- getVao() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.TerrainMesh
- getVariable0Buffer() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.GBuffer
Getting variable0 gbuffer attachment texture.
Red component = How much effected by lighting
Green component = How much effected by fog
Blue component = Ambient occlusion - getVariable1Buffer() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.GBuffer
Getting variable1 gbuffer attachment texture.
Red component = How much reflective
Green component = How much damping shine
Blue component = use fake lighting in diffuse lighting (normal=(0, 1, 0)) - getVelocity() - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioListener
- getViewMatrix() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
- getViewProjectionMatrix() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Getting cameras current view projection matrix
- getVpMat() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.ShadowLight
- getWaveStrength() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getWidth() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.TextureData
- getWidth() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
- getWidth() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.ShadowBox
- getWindIntensitivity() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
- getWindMap() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
- getWindMapTiling() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
- getWindOffset() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
- getWindow() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
- getX() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
- getX() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getY() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
- getY() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- getYaw() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Gets cameras yaw (rotation around the y axis) in degrees
- getZ() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
- getZ() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- GLFW - Class in de.coreengine.framework
Class to manage glfw context
- GLFW() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.framework.GLFW
- glowColor - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- glowColor - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
Objects glowing color (black for no glowing)
- glowColorLoc - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- glowMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- glowMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
Glowing map, wich contains, where the object glows
- gotoScene(int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.system.Game
Going to specific scene
- Grassland - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable
Class that represent a grassland for a terrain
- Grassland() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
- GrasslandRenderer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
Class that can render a grassland
- GrasslandRenderer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.GrasslandRenderer
- GrasslandShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs
Shader for a grassland renderer
- GrasslandShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.GrasslandShader
- GRAVITY_OF_EARTH - Static variable in class de.coreengine.util.bullet.Physics
- GUIChar - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui
Class that represent a renderable character
- GUIPane - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui
Class that represent a pane for a gui
- GUIPane(GUIPane) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Creating new GUI Pane and setting its parent or null, if no parent gui exist
- GUIRenderer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
Class that can render 2d/3d gui elements/panes
- GUIRenderer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.GUIRenderer
- GUIShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs
Shader for the gui renderer
- GUIShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.GUIShader
- GUIText - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui
Class that represents a renderable text
- GUIText.Alignment - Enum in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui
- height - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.TextureData
- host(int, int, String, Class<? extends PlayerGameObject>) - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.NetworkManager
Setting up a dedicated server
- hostAndJoin(int, int, String, String, Class<? extends PlayerGameObject>) - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.NetworkManager
Hosting and joining a server via localhost
- HOSTER - de.coreengine.network.NetworkManager.NetworkState
- HsbEffect - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects
Hue, saturation and value post processing effect
- HsbEffect() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.HsbEffect
Creating new Hue saturation and brightness effect
- HsbPPShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp
Hue, saturation and brightness post processing shader for the hsb effect renderer
- HsbPPShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.HsbPPShader
- IndexBuffer - Class in de.coreengine.util.gl
Class that represent an opengl index buffer
- IndexBuffer(int, int) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.gl.IndexBuffer
Creates new Index buffer
- indices - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MeshData
- info(String, String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Logger
Prints and logging info message to console
- init() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.GLFW
Initialize glfw
- init() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
- init() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Initialize the master renderer
- init() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.PostProcesser
- init() - Static method in class de.coreengine.sound.AL
Initalize OpenAL context and get default audio device
- init(int, int, String, Window.Type, TextureData) - Static method in class de.coreengine.system.Game
Initializing the game and all relevant libraries
- invoke(long, int, int) - Method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
- ioResourceToByteBuffer(String, int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.BufferUtils
Getting a resource as bytebuffer
- isAlive() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPServerClient
- isButtonPressed(int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
Check if the button is pressed at the moment.
Returns false, if button code is out of range! - isClicked() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.Button
- isControlled() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.PlayerGameObject
- isCullFaces() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Entity
- isDay() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.DayNightCycle
- isFacingCamera() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
- isFull() - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPServer
- isGrabbed() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- isGrasslandEnabled() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
- isKeyPressed(int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
Check if the key is pressed at the moment.
Returns false, if key code is out of range! - isLeaf() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode
Is the node a leaf of the tree / has it children?
- isLensFlareEnabled() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Sun
- isMouseEntered() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.Button
- isMouseLeaved() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.Button
- isMouseOver() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.AnimatedEntity
Returns true if mouse is over entity.
- isMouseOver() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Entity
Returns true if mouse is over entity.
- isMouseOver() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Returns true if mouse is over gui pane.
- isMouseOver() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.Button
- isPaused() - Static method in class de.coreengine.system.Game
- isPressed() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.Button
- isReflectionEnabled() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- isRefractionEnabled() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- isRotateWithCam() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Entity
- isRunning() - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPClient
- isSprinting() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.FPCamera
- isVisible() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- isWalking() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.FPCamera
- join() - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPClient
Joining client on the current scene
- join(String, int, String, String, Class<? extends PlayerGameObject>) - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.NetworkManager
Joining a running server.
- Joint - Class in de.coreengine.animation
- Joint(int, String, Matrix4f, Matrix4f) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
Creating new joint
- Joint(Joint) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
Creating new joint as copy from the passed joint
- jointIds - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MeshData
- keepAlive() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
- key - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.TextureData
- KEY_0 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_1 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_2 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_3 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_4 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_5 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_6 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_7 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_8 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_9 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_A - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_APOSTROPHE - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_B - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_BACKSLASH - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_BACKSPACE - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_C - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_CAPS_LOCK - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_COMMA - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_D - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_DELETE - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_DOWN - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_E - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_END - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_ENTER - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_EQUAL - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_ESCAPE - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F1 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F10 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F11 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F12 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F13 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F14 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F15 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F16 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F17 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F18 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F19 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F2 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F20 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F21 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F22 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F23 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F24 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F25 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F3 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F4 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F5 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F6 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F7 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F8 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_F9 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_G - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_GRAVE_ACCENT - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_H - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_HOME - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_I - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_INSERT - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_J - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_K - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_0 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_1 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_2 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_3 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_4 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_5 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_6 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_7 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_8 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_9 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_ADD - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_DECIMAL - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_DIVIDE - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_ENTER - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_EQUAL - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_MULTIPLY - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_KP_SUBTRACT - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_L - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_LAST - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_LEFT - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_LEFT_ALT - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_LEFT_BRACKET - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_LEFT_CONTROL - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_LEFT_SHIFT - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_LEFT_SUPER - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_M - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_MENU - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_MINUS - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_N - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_NUM_LOCK - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_O - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_P - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_PAGE_DOWN - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_PAGE_UP - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_PAUSE - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_PERIOD - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_PRINT_SCREEN - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_Q - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_R - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_RIGHT - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_RIGHT_ALT - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_RIGHT_BRACKET - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_RIGHT_SUPER - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_S - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_SCROLL_LOCK - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_SEMICOLON - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_SLASH - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_SPACE - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_T - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_TAB - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_U - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_UP - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_V - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_W - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_WORLD_1 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_WORLD_2 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_X - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_Y - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KEY_Z - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- Keyboard - Class in de.coreengine.framework
Class for checking key states
- Keyboard() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
- KeyFrame<Component> - Class in de.coreengine.animation
- KeyFrame(float, Component) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.animation.KeyFrame
Creating new keyframe for an animation
- KeyFrameList<Component> - Class in de.coreengine.animation
Class that stores a list of keyframes for a specific component
- KeyFrameList() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.animation.KeyFrameList
- kickClient(int, String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPServer
Kicking client from the server
- LEFT - de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText.Alignment
- LensFlare - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable
Class that represent a lens flare effect to render
- LensFlare() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.LensFlare
- LensFlareRenderer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
Renderer that can render a lens flar effect
- LensFlareRenderer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.LensFlareRenderer
Creating new lens flare renderer
- LensFlareShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs
Shader forthe lens flare renderer
- LensFlareShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.LensFlareShader
- LightScatteringEffect - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects
Light scattering effect for the post processer
- LightScatteringEffect() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.LightScatteringEffect
Create new light scattering effect
- LightScatteringPPShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp
Shader for the light scattering effect
- LightScatteringPPShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.LightScatteringPPShader
- List - Class in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui
List gui element
- List(GUIPane, String) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.List
- loadAnimatedModel(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.CeaLoader
Loading an animated model from a file into the asset database.
- loadAnimatedModel(String, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.CeaLoader
Loading an animated model from a file into the asset database with a specified name.
- loadAnimatedModelData(String, boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.CeaLoader
Loading animated model data from a file
- loadAnimatedModelFile(String, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.ModelLoader
Loading an animated model from a file into asset database
- loadAnimatedModelFileData(String, String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.ModelLoader
Loading an dataStructures animated model from a file
- loadCubeMap(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.TextureLoader
Loading cube map texture from abstract path and extension and storing into asset database.
- loadCubeMap(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.TextureLoader
Loadig cubemap texture from 6 texture files and storing into asset database
- loadFont(String, boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.FntLoader
Loading font file and its texture atlas from fnt file ad store it into database
- loadModel(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.CemLoader
Loading a model from a file into the asset database.
- loadModel(String, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.CemLoader
Loading a model from a file into the asset database with a specified name.
- loadModelData(String, boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.CemLoader
Loading dataStructures model from a file
- loadModelFile(String, String, boolean, String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.ModelLoader
Loading a model from a file into asset database
- loadModelFileData(String, String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.ModelLoader
Loading a dataStructures model from a file
- loadSound(String, boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.OggLoader
Loading ogg sound file and storing into asset database
- loadTerrainMesh() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainMeshLoader
Parsing a terrain mesh from a file into a terrain mesh object with all morphing variants
- loadTextureFile(String, boolean, int, boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.TextureLoader
Loading a TextureData file into an opengl texture and storing into asset database
- loadTextureFileMeta(String, boolean, int, boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.TextureLoader
Load TextureData file and store into TextureData object
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.DeferredShader
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.AnimatedEntityShader
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShaderAdvanced
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.FontShader
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.GrasslandShader
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.GUIShader
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.LensFlareShader
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.ParticleShader
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.PPShader
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Loading uniform locations
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.ShadowMapShader
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.SkyboxShader
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.SunMoonShader
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.TerrainShader
- loadUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.WaterShader
- Logger - Class in de.coreengine.util
Class to manage logging
- Logger() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.Logger
- MasterRenderer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
Class that manage the whole rendering system and is the contact class for rendering stuff onto the screen
- MasterRenderer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
- material - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MeshData
- Material - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.model
Class that represents a material with all its maps and parameters for a mesh
- Material() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
- MaterialData - Class in de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures
Material data that can be stored into a file
A value of null means the default value of a material - MaterialData() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- MaterialParser - Class in de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader
- MaterialParser(AIMaterial) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.MaterialParser
Creating new material data that can parse ai materials into materials and dataStructures materials
- matrixToFloatArray(Matrix4f) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Transforming a matrix4f from vecmtath to a 16 valued float array.
Maybe not the most performant procedure... - max(float...) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Getting the greatest float of values
- MemoryDumper - Class in de.coreengine.util.gl
Class that clean up memory after game quits
- MemoryDumper() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.gl.MemoryDumper
- Mesh - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.model
Class that represent a simple model, wich has only one material and consists of only one mesh
- Mesh(VertexArrayObject, IndexBuffer, CollisionShape) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Mesh
Creating new model and set the material to default material
- Mesh(VertexArrayObject, IndexBuffer, Material, CollisionShape) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Mesh
Creating new model with all parameters
- MeshData - Class in de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures
- MeshData() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MeshData
- meshes - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.ModelData
- MeshParser - Class in de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader
- MeshParser(AIMesh, MaterialData[]) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.MeshParser
Creating new mesh data that can parse ai meshes into meshes and dataStructures meshes
- min(float...) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Getting the smallest float of values
- Model - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.model
Class that represents a complex model with variouse meshes
- Model(Mesh[]) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Model
Creating new model with its meshes
- ModelData - Class in de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures
Model data that can be saved in a file
- ModelData() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.ModelData
- ModelLoader - Class in de.coreengine.asset
Class for loading model files
Supported Formats (From Assimp):
COMMON INTERCHANGE FORMATS (An asterisk indicates limited support)
Autodesk ( .fbx )
Collada ( .dae )
glTF ( .gltf, .glb )
Blender 3D ( .blend )
3ds Max 3DS ( .3ds )
3ds Max ASE ( .ase )
Wavefront Object ( .obj )
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC/Step) ( .ifc )
XGL ( .xgl,.zgl )
Stanford Polygon Library ( .ply )
*AutoCAD DXF ( .dxf )
LightWave ( .lwo )
LightWave Scene ( .lws )
Modo ( .lxo )
Stereolithography ( .stl )
DirectX X ( .x )
AC3D ( .ac )
Milkshape 3D ( .ms3d )
* TrueSpace ( .cob,.scn )
*OpenGEX ( .ogex )
*X3D ( .x3d )
*3MF ( .3mf )
Biovision BVH ( .bvh )
* CharacterStudio Motion ( .csm )
Ogre XML ( .xml )
Irrlicht Mesh ( .irrmesh )
* Irrlicht Scene ( .irr )
Quake I ( .mdl )
Quake II ( .md2 )
Quake III Mesh ( .md3 )
Quake III Map/BSP ( .pk3 )
* Return to Castle Wolfenstein ( .mdc )
Doom 3 ( .md5* )
*Valve Model ( .smd,.vta )
*Open Game Engine Exchange ( .ogex )
*Unreal ( .3d )
BlitzBasic 3D ( .b3d )
Quick3D ( .q3d,.q3s )
Neutral File Format ( .nff )
Sense8 WorldToolKit ( .nff )
Object File Format ( .off )
PovRAY Raw ( .raw )
Terragen Terrain ( .ter )
3D GameStudio (3DGS) ( .mdl )
3D GameStudio (3DGS) Terrain ( .hmp )
Izware Nendo ( .ndo )
- ModelLoader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.ModelLoader
- Moon - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable
Class that reprsents a moon for post processing and lighting calculation
- Moon() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Moon
Creating new white moon and setting its attenuation to infinity
- Mouse - Class in de.coreengine.framework
Class to manage the cursor and get mouse inputs
- Mouse() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- MOUSE_BUTTON_1 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- MOUSE_BUTTON_2 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- MOUSE_BUTTON_3 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- MOUSE_BUTTON_4 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- MOUSE_BUTTON_5 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- MOUSE_BUTTON_6 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- MOUSE_BUTTON_7 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- MOUSE_BUTTON_8 - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- MOUSE_BUTTON_LAST - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT - Static variable in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- MovingParticle - Class in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle
- MovingParticle() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.MovingParticle
- NAME_TAKEN - de.coreengine.network.TCPClient.HandshakeResult
- NetworkManager - Class in de.coreengine.network
Class that manaes network stuff
- NetworkManager() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.network.NetworkManager
- NetworkManager.NetworkState - Enum in de.coreengine.network
Network state of the game (one of):
- DEDICATED_SERVER (Only server)
- HOSTER (Hosting client)
- CLIENT (Connected Client)
- SINGLE (Singleplayer) - NodeParser - Class in de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader
- NodeParser(AINode) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.NodeParser
Creates new node data to parse ai nodes
- normalMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- normalMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
Normal map, wich contains the normal clarification for the specific pixels
- normals - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MeshData
- NumericUpDown - Class in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui
Class that represents a numeric input field
- NumericUpDown(GUIPane, String) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.NumericUpDown
Creating new Numeric up down and setting ts parent or null, if no parent gui exist
- OggLoader - Class in de.coreengine.asset
Class that can load a sound file
- OggLoader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.OggLoader
- onAdd() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
This method gets called once, when the GameObject is added to a scene, or to another GameObject as child.
- onClick() - Method in interface de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.ButtonListener
- onDisconnect() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.PlayerGameObject
Getting called when player disconnects
- onInit() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
This method gets called once in the GameObject life cycle.
- onInit() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.FPCamera
- onInit() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.NumericUpDown
- onInit() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.ShadowBox
- onJoin() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.PlayerGameObject
Getting called, when player joines
- onLoad(byte[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
This method gets called asynchronous, when the game wants to GameObject to recreate its state from saved data.
- onMouseEnter() - Method in interface de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.ButtonListener
- onMouseEnter() - Method in interface de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.SimpleButtonListener
- onMouseLeave() - Method in interface de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.ButtonListener
- onMouseLeave() - Method in interface de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.SimpleButtonListener
- onMouseOver() - Method in interface de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.ButtonListener
- onMouseOver() - Method in interface de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.SimpleButtonListener
- onPauseUpdate() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
This method gets called every frame when the game is paused before the render method.
- onPress() - Method in interface de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.ButtonListener
- onPress() - Method in interface de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.SimpleButtonListener
- onRemove() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
This method gets called once, when the GameObject gets removed from a scene or its parent GameObject (if it had one).
- onRender() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
In this method the GameObject gets rendered onto the screen (if it has an graphical representation).
- onRender() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Animated
- onRender() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.DayNightCycle
- onRender() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.FPCamera
- onRender() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.Button
- onRender() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.List
- onRender() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.TextField
- onRender() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.MovingParticle
- onRender() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.ShadowBox
- onRender() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Simple
- onRender() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.TPCamera
- onSave() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
This method gets called asynchronous, when the game wants the GameObject to save its current state.
- onSyncronize() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
This method gets called, every time a network update occurs.
- onUpdate() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
This method gets called every frame before the render method.
- onUpdate() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Animated
- onUpdate() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.DayNightCycle
- onUpdate() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.FPCamera
- onUpdate() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.Button
- onUpdate() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.List
- onUpdate() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.TextField
- onUpdate() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.MovingParticle
- onUpdate() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.ParticleSystem
- onUpdate() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.ShadowBox
Updates the bounds of the shadow box based on the light direction and the camera's view frustum, to make sure that the box covers the smallest area possible while still ensuring that everything inside the camera's view (within a certain range) will cast shadows.
- onUpdate() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.TPCamera
- Pair<KeyType,ValueType> - Class in de.coreengine.util
Alternate class for javafx.util.Pair, as its not longer part of the JDK
- Pair(KeyType, ValueType) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.Pair
- parent - Variable in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
- parse() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.BoneParser
Parsing ai bone
- parse() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.MaterialParser
Parse ai materials into materials and dataStructures materials
- parse(String, List<BoneParser>) - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.MeshParser
Parse ai meshes into meshes and dataStructures meshes
- parse(List<BoneParser>) - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.AnimationParser
Parsing animation data from ai animation
- parse(List<BoneParser>) - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.modelLoader.NodeParser
Parsing data from the ai node
- Particle - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable
- Particle() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Particle
- ParticleRenderer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
Renderer that can render 3d particles
- ParticleRenderer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ParticleRenderer
- ParticleShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs
- ParticleShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.ParticleShader
- ParticleSystem - Class in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle
- ParticleSystem() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.ParticleSystem
- pause() - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioSource
Pause source from playing audio
- pause() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Animated
Pause the animation
- pauseUpdate() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.Scene
Pause updating scene
- Physics - Class in de.coreengine.util.bullet
Class that contains someuseful jbullet methods
- Physics() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.bullet.Physics
- pickingColorLoc - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- play() - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioSource
Continue playing after pause
- play() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Animated
Play / resume the animation
- play(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioSource
Setting sound for this source and play
- PlayerGameObject - Class in de.coreengine.system
Gameobject that can be spawned by a client
- PlayerGameObject() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.PlayerGameObject
- Point3D - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons
Representing a simple 3 dimensional point model singleton
- Point3D() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.Point3D
- PointLight - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light
Represent a point light in the scene with specific range
- PointLight() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.PointLight
- PostProcesser - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
Can apply post processing effects to the scene
- PostProcesser() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.PostProcesser
- PostProcessingEffect - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects
Represents a template for an effect for the postprocesser
- PostProcessingEffect(PPShader) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.PostProcessingEffect
Creating newpost processing effect and setting its shader.
- PPShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp
Shader for a post processing effect
- PPShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.PPShader
- prepare(float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.GaussianBlurPPShader
Prepare gaussian blur shader, by setting blur settings for next blur.
- prepare(int, int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.PostProcessingEffect
Preparing the effect
- prepareBlur(float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.DofPPShader
Prepare gaussian blur, by setting blur settings for next blur.
- prepareBlur(float, float, Vector2f, int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.RadialBlurPPShader
Preparing the shader for the next blur
- prepareCam(Camera) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.ParticleShader
Prepare camera to render next particles from
- prepareChar(GUIChar) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.FontShader
Prepare shader fo one next char to render
- prepareEffect(float, float, int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.LightScatteringPPShader
Preparing shader for the next sun
- prepareEntity(AnimatedEntity) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.AnimatedEntityShader
Preparing an animated entity
- prepareEntity(Entity) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- prepareEntity(Entity) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.ShadowMapShader
Prepare shader for next entity to render
- prepareGui(GUIPane, Camera) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.GUIShader
Prepare shader for next gui to render
- prepareLensFlareTile(int, float, float, float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.LensFlareShader
Prepare next lens flare tile
- prepareMaterial(Material) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.AnimatedEntityShader
Preparing shader for next material
- prepareMaterial(Material) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
Preparing shader for next material
- prepareMaterial(Material) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShaderAdvanced
Preparing shader for next material
- prepareMoon(Moon, Camera) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.SunMoonShader
Preparing shader for the next sun or moon
- prepareParticles(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.ParticleShader
Preparing stuff for next particles
- prepareSkybox(Skybox) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.SkyboxShader
Preparing next skybox
- prepareTerrain(Terrain) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.GrasslandShader
Preparing shader for next terrain
- prepareText(GUIPane, Camera) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.FontShader
Prepare shader for next text to render
- prepareWater(Water) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.WaterShader
Prepare shader for next water to render
- Protocol - Class in de.coreengine.network
Class that handles network messenges
- Protocol() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.network.Protocol
- Quad2D - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons
Representing a simple 2 dimensional quad model singleton
- Quad2D() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.Quad2D
- RadialBlurEffect - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects
Effect that can apply an radial blur to the post processing process
- RadialBlurEffect() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.RadialBlurEffect
Creating new radial blur effect and setting shader
- RadialBlurPPShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp
Shader for the radial blur effect
- RadialBlurPPShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.RadialBlurPPShader
- randomFloat(float, float) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Generating a random float between min and max
- randomInt(int, int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Generating a random integer between min and max
- randomVector(Vector2f, Vector2f) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Generating random vector between min and max
- randomVector(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Generating random vector between min and max
- readBinaryFile(String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.FileLoader
Reading a binary file from drive into an object
- readFile(String, boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.FileLoader
Reading a file from drive into a string array
- recalcCollisionShape(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
Recalculate the terrain collision shape
- recalcRay(Matrix4f, Matrix4f) - Method in class de.coreengine.util.CameraRay
Recalculate the current camera ray
- recalcViewMatrix() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Recalculate view matrix from position and rotation from this camera
- recalcViewProjectionMatrix() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Recalculate view projection matrix from view andprojection matrix from this camera
- reflectionMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- reflectionMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
Reflection cube map, that contains the reflected environment
- reflectivityLoc - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- registerScene(Scene) - Static method in class de.coreengine.system.Game
Register scene in the game
- reloadOrtho(Matrix4f) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.LensFlareShader
Reloading ortho projection matrix into shader
- reloadSun() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.LightScatteringPPShader
Realoading sun origin into shader
- removeChild(Transformation) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- removeChild(GameObject) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
Removing child game object from childs
- removeGameObject(GameObject) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.Scene
Removing game object from the root game object
- removeItem(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.List
Removing item from list
- removeScene(int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.system.Game
- render() - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Rendering all from the renderlists and clear renderlists
- render() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.Scene
Rendering scene
- render(HashMap<String, List<Particle>>, Camera) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ParticleRenderer
Rendering a batch of particles sortet by texture
- renderAmbientLight(AmbientLight) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Adding a new ambient light to the ambient light renderlist.
- renderAnimatedEntity(AnimatedEntity) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Adding a new animated entity to the animated entity renderlist.
- renderDirectionalLight(DirectionalLight) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Adding a new directional light to the directional light renderlist.
- renderEntity(Entity) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Adding a new entity to the entity renderlist.
- renderGui2D(GUIPane) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Rendering 2 dimensional gui and all its components onto the screen
- renderGui3D(GUIPane) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Rendering 3 dimensional gui and all its components into the world
- renderLensFlare(LensFlare) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Rendering lens flare effect onto the screen
- renderParticle(Particle) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Adding new particle to the particle renderlist.
- renderPointLight(PointLight) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Adding a new point light to the point light renderlist.
- renderSpotLight(SpotLight) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Adding a new spot light to the spot light renderlist.
- renderTerrain(Terrain) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Adding a new terrain to the terrain renderlist.
- renderText() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
- renderWater(Water) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Adding a new water to the water renderlist.
- reset() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.Event
Resetting the event
(Call every frame, AFTER event gets processed) - reset() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.events.ChatEvent
- reset() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.events.SimpleEvent
- resolutionChanged(int, int, float) - Method in interface de.coreengine.framework.WindowChangedListener
Getting called, when the window resolution gets changed
- RIGHT - de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText.Alignment
- run() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPClient
- run() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPServer
- run() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPServerClient
- saveAnimatedModelData(String, AnimatedModelData) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.CeaLoader
Saving dataStructures model to a file
- saveLog() - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Logger
Saving current log into file relative to application.
File format: log_dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.log - saveModelData(String, ModelData) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.CemLoader
Saving model data to a file
- scaleRigidBody(RigidBody, float, float, float, DynamicsWorld) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.bullet.Physics
Scaling a rigidbody in a dynamics world
- Scene - Class in de.coreengine.system
Class that represent a scene/level in the game
- Scene() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.Scene
Initialize root GameObject
- sendMessage(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.events.ChatEvent
Sending a message to the network
- set(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncFloat
- set(float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Color
Setting new rgb value of this color
- set(Color) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Color
Sets the value of this color to the value of c
- set(Matrix4f) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncMatrix
- setAlignment(GUIText.Alignment) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText
Setting the text alignment.
- setAmplitude(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainConfig
Setting the vertical scaling of the terrain in world space.
The terrain max height in world space will be scale * amplitude + y. - setAnimatedEntity(AnimatedEntity) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Animated
Setting the entity, that should be animated.
- setAnimation(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Animated
Setting the animation, that should be played.
- setAnimationSpeed(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Animated
Setting the speed of the animation.
- setArea(float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.DofPPShader
Set dof area
- setArea(float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
Setting the area of the grassland around the player.
- setBaseTexture(int, int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.PPShader
Setting base post processing effect textures
- setBightness(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.RadialBlurEffect
- setBlending(boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.FogEffect
Enable or disable blending.
- setBlendingFactor(int, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Skybox
Setting blending factor at specific id.
- setBlendingTexture(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.FogPPShader
Setting blending texture, the fog will blend into this texture, when blending is enabled.
- setBlendMap(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainConfig
Setting the new blend map of the terrain
- setBlue(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Color
Sets the Blue value of the rgb model and reclaculate the hsb and srgb
- setBrightness(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.LensFlare
- setBrightness(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.HsbEffect
Setting the brightness factor of this effect.
- setBrightness(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.LightScatteringEffect
- setcamera(Camera) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.GrasslandShader
Setting camera for next terrain
- setCamera(Camera) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.AnimatedEntityShader
- setCamera(Camera) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.SkyboxShader
Setting the camera to render next skyboxes from
- setCamera(Camera) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.WaterShader
Setting camera for next water
- setCamera(Camera) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Setting the camera to render next frame from
- setCamera(Camera, boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- setCameraPosition(Vector3f) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.DeferredShader
Setting the position, the specular light calculation is using for calculating the reflections
- setCameraPosition(Vector3f) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.TerrainShader
Setting camera position used for tesselation
- setCenter(Vector3f) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.DayNightCycle
Setting the center of the sun cycle.
- setChunkData(Vector2f, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.TerrainShader
Loading the position/offset and size of the next chunk into the shader
- setClipPlane(float, float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.AnimatedEntityShader
Setting clip plane for next entity
- setClipPlane(float, float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
Setting clip plane for next entity
- setClipPlane(float, float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.TerrainShader
Setting clip plane for next terrain
- setConfig(TerrainConfig) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
Setting the new configuration of the terrain
- setCubeMapTexture(int, String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Skybox
Setting cube map texture at specific id.
- setCubeMapTextures(String[], float[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Skybox
Setting cube map textures and its initial blending factors.
The factor represents the visibility of the cube map texture. - setCullFaces(boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Entity
- setCurrentTime(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Animated
Setting the current time of the animation
- setCursor(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.TextField
- setDamping(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.MovingParticle
Setting damping of the particle.
- setDensity(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.DofEffect
Setting fogs density.
- setDensity(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.FogEffect
Setting fogs density.
- setDensity(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
Setting the density for the grassland model.
- setDensityMap(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
Setting the densitymap for this grassland.
- setDimension(float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.ShadowLight
Changes the dimension of the shadow lights view frustum
- setDirections(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.DofEffect
Setting the directions to blur.
- setDirections(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.GaussianBlurEffect
Setting the directions to blur.
- setDistance(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.TPCamera
Setting distance of the third person camera to the target
- setDistance(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
- setDudvMap(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- setFacingCamera(boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
When facing is enabled, the gui pane is always facing the camera.
- setFarPlane(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Setting new camera far plane
- setFilter(Set<String>) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.TextField
- setFont(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText
Setting font of the text and recreating chars
- setFontSize(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText
- setFov(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Setting new camera field of view
- setFromRigidbody(RigidBody) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting transformation from rigidbody transformation
- setFromRigidBody(RigidBody) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
Setting transformation matrix to rigid body transformation matrix
- setGBuffer(GBuffer) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.DeferredShader
Setting gBuffer maps to render lights into in the next frame
- setGenerationCountRange(int, int) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.ParticleSystem
Setting the range of new particles count
How much particles should be generated, if generation speed expired? - setGenerationSpeed(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.ParticleSystem
- setGrabbed(boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
- setGradient(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.DofEffect
Setting fogs gradient.
- setGradient(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.FogEffect
Setting fogs gradient.
- setGrasslandEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
- setGreen(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Color
Sets the Green value of the rgb model and reclaculate the hsb and srgb
- setHeightMap(TextureData) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainConfig
Setting the new height map of the terrain
- setHsb(float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.HsbPPShader
Setting hsb for next render call
- setHue(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.HsbEffect
Setting the hue factor of this effect.
- setIcon(TextureData) - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
Set textureData as icon for the glfw window
- setIndex(IndexBuffer) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIChar
- setIntensity(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.AmbientLight
- setIntensity(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Moon
Setting light intensity
- setIntensity(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.LightScatteringEffect
- setIntensity(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.RadialBlurEffect
- setKey(KeyType) - Method in class de.coreengine.util.Pair
Set the key
- setLensFlareEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Sun
- setLightMap(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainConfig
Setting the new light map of the terrain
- setLightSources(List<PointLight>, List<SpotLight>, List<AmbientLight>, List<DirectionalLight>) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.DeferredShader
Setting light sources for the next frame
- setListener(ButtonListener) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.Button
Setting the listener to call at state changes or null, to call no listener
- setListener(TextFieldListener) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.TextField
- setLocalPose(Matrix4f) - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
Setting the current local pose matrix of this joint in model space
- setLodRanges(float[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainConfig
Setting this terrains lod stage area ranges.
lodRanges does not have to be null or empty, else it will rejected - setLoop(boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioSource
- setLoop(boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Animated
Should the animation loop, when its over
- setMassRange(float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.ParticleSystem
Setting the range of new particles mass
Gravity formula: mass * Physics.GRAVITY_OF_EARTH * FrameTimer.getTslf() - setMax(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.NumericUpDown
- setMesh(Mesh, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
- setMin(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.NumericUpDown
- setModel(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.AnimatedEntity
- setModel(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Entity
- setMoon(Moon) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Setting the moon to render in the next frame
- setNearPlane(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Setting new camera near plane
- setNextTransform(Vector2f, Vector3f) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.ParticleShader
Set transformation for next particle
- setNormalMap(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- setOffset(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- setOrientation(float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioListener
Orientation of the listener as 3d vector
- setOverTexture(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.Button
Setting texture to change to, at mouse entering button or Material.NO_TEXTURE_SET for no change.
- setPadding(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText
- setParticleClass(Class<? extends MovingParticle>) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.ParticleSystem
Setting class to instantiate when creating new particles.
- setPaused(boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.system.Game
Set the game in paused state or the other way round.
- setPitch(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Setting new camera pitch and sets camera rotated to true if it has changed
- setPitch(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.TPCamera
Setting pitch of the third person camera over the target
- setPosition(float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioSource
Setting position of the source in the 3d world
- setPosX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the x position
- setPosX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- setPosX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Setting x pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
posX = posX + parent.posX - setPosY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the y position
- setPosY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- setPosY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Setting y pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
posY = posY + parent.posY - setPosZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the z position
- setPosZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- setPosZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Setting z pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
posZ = posZ + parent.posZ - setPressedTexture(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.Button
Setting texture to change to, at mouse pressing button or Material.NO_TEXTURE_SET for no change.
- setQuality(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.ShadowLight
Setting the quality of the shadows
- setQuality(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
Setting waters quality be rescaling the fraction and reflection texture.
- setQuality(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.DofEffect
Setting the blur quality.
- setQuality(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.GaussianBlurEffect
Setting the blur quality.
- setQuality(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.LightScatteringEffect
- setQuality(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.RadialBlurEffect
- setRed(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Color
Sets the Red value of the rgb model and reclaculate the hsb and srgb
- setReflectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
Enable or disable reflection.
- setRefractionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
Enable or disable refraction.
- setReiszeable(boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
Only affective on WINDOWED typed windows
- setRelative(boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioSource
- setRoll(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Setting new camera roll and sets camera rotated to true if it has changed
- setRolloff(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioSource
Setting rolloff factor for this source in the distance.
- setRotateWithCam(boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Entity
Should the entity rotate and move with the camera
- setRotation(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Skybox
- setRotation(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.TPCamera
Setting rotation of the third person camera around the target
- setRotX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the x rotation
- setRotX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- setRotX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Setting x rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
rotX = rotX + parent.rotX - setRotY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the y rotation
- setRotY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- setRotY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Setting y rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
rotY = rotY + parent.rotY - setRotZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the z rotation
- setRotZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- setRotZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Setting z rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
rotZ = rotZ + parent.rotZ - setSaturation(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.HsbEffect
Setting the saturation factor of this effect.
- setScale(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
Sets the terrain horizontal scale/size
- setScale(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
Sets the water horizontal scale/size
- setScaleX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the x scale
- setScaleX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- setScaleX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Setting vertical scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
scaleX = scaleX * parent.scaleX - setScaleY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the y scale
- setScaleY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- setScaleY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
Setting horizontal scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
scaleY = scaleY * parent.scaleY - setScaleZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
Setting value to the z scale
- setScaleZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
- setShader(EntityShader) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Entity
- setShadowLight(ShadowLight) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.DeferredShader
Set shadow light to render shadows from in next frame
- setShadowLight(ShadowLight) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Setting the shadow light to render shadows from in the next frame
- setShineDamper(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
Set shine damper for specular lighting
- setShininess(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
Set shininess for specular lighting
- setShouldRender(boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
Should the gameobject and all childrens get rendered
- setShouldSyncronize(boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
Should the gameobject and all childrens get syncronized
- setShouldUpdate(boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.GameObject
Should the gameobject and all childrens get updated
- setSize(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.LensFlare
- setSize(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Moon
- setSize(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.DofEffect
Setting the blur size.
- setSize(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.GaussianBlurEffect
Setting the blur size.
- setSize(int, int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
Sets the size of the window.
- setSize(Vector2f) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.LightScatteringPPShader
Setting the size of the next to blur image texel.
vec2(1.0f / image.width, 1.0f / image.height) - setSize(Vector2f) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.RadialBlurPPShader
Setting the size of the next to blur image texel.
vec2(1.0f / image.width, 1.0f / image.height) - setSizeRange(float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.ParticleSystem
Setting the range of new particles size
- setSkybox(Skybox) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Setting the skybox to render in the next frame
- setSkyboxSize(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.SkyboxShader
Setting thescaling of the skybox
- setSmoothFps(boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.FrameTimer
If smooth fps is enabled, the fps will be calculated by the average of the last fps (fps = (fps + newFps) / 2)
- setSoftEdgeDepth(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- setSound(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioSource
- setSpawnOffsetRange(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.ParticleSystem
Setting the range of new particles spawn offset.
The offset will be added to the system position - setSpeed(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.DayNightCycle
- setStrengthTexture(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.DofPPShader
Setting strength texture, where the g value represent the strength of the dof at this point.
- setStrengthTexture(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.FogPPShader
Setting strength texture, where the g value represent the strength of the fog at this point.
- setSun(Sun) - Static method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.MasterRenderer
Setting the sun to render in the next frame
- setSunTexture(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.LightScatteringPPShader
- setTerrainConfig(TerrainConfig) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.TerrainShader
Loading a whole terrain configuration into the shader
- setTerrainTransform(Matrix4f) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.TerrainShader
Loading the transformation matrix of the terrain into the shader
- setTesselationAttenuation(float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainConfig
Setting the terrains current tesselation attenuations.
- setText(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText
Setting text and recreating chars
- setText(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.TextField
- setTexture(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIPane
- setTexture(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Moon
- setTexture(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Particle
Setting texture of the particle
- setTexture(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.Button
- setTexture(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.ParticleSystem
- setTexturePack(TerrainTexturePack) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainConfig
Setting the new texture pack of the terrain
- setTextures(int[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.LensFlare
Setting lens flare textures to place onto the lens flare vector
- setTiling(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- setTransparency(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
Setting the waters transparency (ration of reflectiona dn refraction).
- setTtlRange(float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.ParticleSystem
Setting the range of new particles time to live (ttl) in seconds
- setType(Window.Type) - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
Switch between window types
- setUniform(int, boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Loading a boolean into a uniform variable
- setUniform(int, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Loading a float into a uniform variable
- setUniform(int, float[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Loading a 4x4 matrix into a uniform variable
- setUniform(int, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Loading a 2d vector into a uniform variable
- setUniform(int, float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Loading a 3d vector into a uniform variable
- setUniform(int, float, float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Loading a 4d vector into a uniform variable
- setUniform(int, int) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Loading an int into a uniform variable
- setUniform(int, Color) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Loading a color into a uniform vec3f variable
- setUniformArray1f(int, float[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Loading a float array into a uniform variable
- setUniformArray1i(int, int[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Loading a int array into a uniform variable
- setUniformArray2f(int, float[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Loading a vec2 array into a uniform variable
- setUniformArray3f(int, float[]) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Loading a vec3 array into a uniform variable
- setUniformLocations() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.DofPPShader
- setUniformLocations() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.FogPPShader
- setUniformLocations() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.GaussianBlurPPShader
- setUniformLocations() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.HsbPPShader
- setUniformLocations() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.LightScatteringPPShader
- setUniformLocations() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.PPShader
Setting the effect shader relevant uniforms.
- setUniformLocations() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.RadialBlurPPShader
- setUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.DofEffect
- setUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.FogEffect
- setUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.GaussianBlurEffect
- setUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.HsbEffect
- setUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.LightScatteringEffect
- setUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.PostProcessingEffect
- setUniforms() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.RadialBlurEffect
- setup(float, Vector3f, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.MovingParticle
Setting up particle behavior and physics
Gravity formula: mass * Physics.GRAVITY_OF_EARTH * FrameTimer.getTslf() - setup(String, boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.PlayerGameObject
Setup player controlled game object
- setValue(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.NumericUpDown
- setValue(ValueType) - Method in class de.coreengine.util.Pair
Set the value
- setValues(float, float, Color, boolean) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.pp.FogPPShader
Setting values for the fog shader
- setVelocity(float, float, float) - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioSource
Setting direction and range of the source in the 3d world as 3d vector
- setVelocityRange(Vector3f, Vector3f) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.ParticleSystem
Setting the range of new particles velocity (direction and speed).
The velocity will be added every frame to the position and then multiplied by particles damping.
Formula: position + (velocity * damping) - setViewCamera(Camera) - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.ShadowBox
Set camera to align shadow map to view frustuum
- setViewProjectionMatrix(Matrix4f) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.TerrainShader
Setting view projection matrix to use
- setVisible(boolean) - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
Setting mouse cursor visibility.
true = visible
false = invisible - setVolume(int) - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioSource
- setVPMat(Matrix4f) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.FontShader
- setVPMat(Matrix4f) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.GUIShader
Setting the vpMat variable of the shader
- setVPMat(Matrix4f) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.ShadowMapShader
Setting the vpMat variable of the shader
- setVsyncInterval(int) - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
Sets the interval, for the window update (Default 1) 0 = vsync Disabled 1 or higher = vsync Enabled 1 Should be enough for vsync, more can async the visual from the logic
- setWaveStrength(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
- setWindIntensitivity(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
Setting the intensiveness, the windmap effects the grass blades
- setWindMap(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
Setting map that contains the grass vector transformation by wind
- setWindMapTiling(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
- setWindOffset(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Grassland
- setX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Setting new camera x position and sets moved to true if it has changed
- setX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
Sets the x position of the terrains (0, 0) point
- setX(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
Sets the x position of the waters (0, 0) point
- setY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Setting new camera y position and sets moved to true if it has changed
- setY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
Sets the y position of the terrains (0, 0) point
- setY(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
Sets the y position of the waters (0, 0) point (sea level)
- setYaw(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Setting new camera yaw and sets camera rotated to true if it has changed
- setZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Setting new camera z position and sets moved to true if it has changed
- setZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
Sets the z position of the terrains (0, 0) point
- setZ(float) - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
Sets the z position of the waters (0, 0) point
- shader - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ppeffects.PostProcessingEffect
- Shader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs
Class that represents an opengl shader program
- Shader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Creates new Shader and creating shader program in opengl
- SHADERS_LOCATION - Static variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Default location of the glsl shader files
- ShadowBox - Class in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects
- ShadowBox() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.ShadowBox
- ShadowLight - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light
Represents a shadow light in the scene.
- ShadowLight() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.ShadowLight
Creating new shadow light.
- ShadowMapRenderer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
- ShadowMapRenderer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.ShadowMapRenderer
- ShadowMapShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs
- ShadowMapShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.ShadowMapShader
- shape - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MeshData
- shineDamperLoc - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- shineDamping - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- shineDamping - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
The shine damping describes the damping for specular lighting
- shininess - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- shininess - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
The shininess describes the intensity of the reflecion for enviroment /* reflection and specular lighting
- shouldDie() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.particle.MovingParticle
If this method return true, the ttl of the particle is expired and it should be removed from the scene
- Simple - Class in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects
Game object of a simple entity, that does nothing
- Simple() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Simple
- SimpleButtonListener - Interface in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui
Simple version of the button listener
- SimpleEvent - Class in de.coreengine.network.events
Simpleevent class, that can handle an event in the network
- SimpleEvent(String) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.network.events.SimpleEvent
Creating a simple event to trigger things over a network
- SINGLEPLAYER - de.coreengine.network.NetworkManager.NetworkState
- size() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.List
- skeleton - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.AnimatedModelData
- Skybox - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable
Class that represents a skybox
- Skybox() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Skybox
Creating new skybox, init variables
- SkyboxRenderer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
Renderer that can render a skybox
- SkyboxRenderer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.SkyboxRenderer
- SkyboxShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs
Shader for the skybox renderer
- SkyboxShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.SkyboxShader
- specularMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- specularMap - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
Specular map, wich contains the specific specular lighting clarification for the specific pixel
- SpotLight - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light
Class that represents a spot light, basical a point light with a specific direction and light cone angle
- SpotLight() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.SpotLight
- start() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Starting/enable shaderprogram
- stop() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.Shader
Stopping/disable shaderprogram (use 0)
- stop() - Method in class de.coreengine.sound.AudioSource
Stop source from playing audio
- stop() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.Animated
Stop the animation and jump to beginning
- stop(String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.NetworkManager
Stops every connection
- stop(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.TCPServerClient
Stopping clients connection to the server
- stringToArrayf(String, String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Convert a string into a float array
- stringToArrayi(String, String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Convert a string into a integer array
- Sun - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable
Class that reprsents a sun for post processing and lighting calculation
- Sun() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Sun
Creating new white sun and setting its attenuation to infinity
- SunMoonRenderer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
Class that can render a sun texture into the scene
- SunMoonRenderer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.SunMoonRenderer
- SunMoonShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs
Shader for the sun renderer
- SunMoonShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.SunMoonShader
- sync() - Static method in class de.coreengine.network.NetworkManager
Updating the network manager
- sync() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.Syncronized
- sync() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncFloat
- sync() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncMatrix
- sync() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
- sync(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.Syncronized
- sync(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncFloat
- sync(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncMatrix
- sync(String) - Method in class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
- SyncFloat - Class in de.coreengine.network.syncronized
Float that can be syncronized in a network
- SyncFloat(String) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncFloat
- SyncMatrix - Class in de.coreengine.network.syncronized
Float that can be syncronized in a network
- SyncMatrix(String) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncMatrix
- syncronize() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.Event
Syncronize event with the network
(Call every sync) - syncronize() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.Syncronized
Syncronizing object with the network
- syncronize() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.Scene
Syncronize scene with network
- Syncronized - Class in de.coreengine.network
Class that represents an object that can be syncronized in a network
- Syncronized(String) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.network.Syncronized
- SyncTransformation - Class in de.coreengine.network.syncronized
Transformation that can be syncronized in a network
- SyncTransformation(String) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.network.syncronized.SyncTransformation
- tangents - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MeshData
- TCPClient - Class in de.coreengine.network
Client class for a tcp connection
- TCPClient() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.network.TCPClient
- TCPClient.HandshakeResult - Enum in de.coreengine.network
Result values for a tcp handshake
- TCPServer - Class in de.coreengine.network
Server class for a tcp connection
- TCPServer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.network.TCPServer
- TCPServerClient - Class in de.coreengine.network
A client of a tcp server
- TCPServerClient(BufferedReader, PrintWriter, Socket, String, PlayerGameObject) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.network.TCPServerClient
Creating new client for a tcp server.
- Terrain - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain
Class that represents a terrain in the scene
- Terrain() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.Terrain
Creates a new terrain with default values, defined in the configuration file
- TerrainConfig - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain
Class that represent a configuration for a terrain
- TerrainConfig() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainConfig
Creates new default terrain config
- TerrainMesh - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons
Class that represent one terrain grid and its morphing variants into lower lod
- TerrainMesh(VertexArrayObject, IndexBuffer, IndexBuffer, IndexBuffer, IndexBuffer, IndexBuffer, IndexBuffer, IndexBuffer, IndexBuffer, IndexBuffer) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons.TerrainMesh
Create new terrain mesh with its morphing variants into lower lod
- TerrainMeshLoader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain
Class that loading the terrain mesh and its morphing levels
- TerrainMeshLoader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainMeshLoader
- TerrainNode - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain
Class that represents one node of the terrain quadtree
- TerrainNode(TerrainNode, TerrainNode.Direction, Vector2f, float, int, Terrain) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode
Creates a new terrain node and sets its position, size and lod
- TerrainNode.Direction - Enum in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain
- TerrainRenderer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
Class that can render a terrain into a gBuffer
- TerrainRenderer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.TerrainRenderer
- TerrainShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs
Class that represent a shader programm for the terrain shader pipeline
- TerrainShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.TerrainShader
- TerrainShapeCreator - Class in de.coreengine.util.bullet
Class that can create a terrain collision shape
- TerrainShapeCreator() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.bullet.TerrainShapeCreator
- TerrainTexturePack - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain
Class that represents a texture pack for a terrain
- TerrainTexturePack() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainTexturePack
- texCoords - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MeshData
- textChanged(String) - Method in interface de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.TextFieldListener
- TextField - Class in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui
Class that represents a textfield in the 2d or 3d world
- TextField(GUIPane, String) - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui.TextField
- TextFieldListener - Interface in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.gui
Listener for a textfield
- TEXTURE_BLACK - Static variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
A pure black texture
- TEXTURE_BLANK - Static variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
A pure blank/alpha texture
- TEXTURE_WHITE - Static variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
A pure white texture
- TextureData - Class in de.coreengine.asset
Class that stores image data and represent and drive image
- TextureData() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.TextureData
- TextureLoader - Class in de.coreengine.asset
Class for loading Textures from drive
Supported Formats (From STB):
JPEG baseline and progressive (12 bpc/arithmetic not supported, same as stock IJG lib
PNG 1/2/4/8/16-bit-per-channel
TGA (not sure what subset, if a subset)
BMP non-1bpp, non-RLE
PSD (composited view only, no extra channels, 8/16 bit-per-channel)
GIF (*desired_channels always reports as 4-channel)
HDR (radiance rgbE format)
PIC (Softimage PIC)
PNM (PPM and PGM binary only)
- TextureLoader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.asset.TextureLoader
- tick() - Static method in class de.coreengine.system.Game
Updating inputs handlers, window and executing master renderers render call to render all stuff
- tiling - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
- tiling - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Material
The texture tiling, that describes the repeat of the texture
- tilingLoc - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- TL - de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode.Direction
- toArrayf(List<Float>) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Converting a list of floats into a float array.
- toArrayi(List<Integer>) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
Converting a list of integers into a int array.
- toBytes() - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Animation
Converting the animation into a byte array.
First Sector [MetaData]:
NameSize (int) | PositionKeyListCount (int) | RotationKeyListCount (int) | ScaleKeyListCount (int) | PositionKeyList0KeyCount (int) | PositionKeyList1KeyCount (int) | ... - toBytes() - Method in class de.coreengine.animation.Joint
Converting recursively this joint and all children into a byte array.
First Sector [MetaData]:
JointCount (int) | Joint0NameSize (int) | Joint1NameSize (int) | ...
Second Sector [JointData]:
Joint0Index (int) | Joint0ParentIndex (int) | Joint0Name (String) | Joint0InverseBindMatrix (float[]) | Joint0BindLocalPoseMatrix (float[]) | Joint1Index (int) | ... - toBytes() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.AnimatedModelData
Converting the dataStructure animated model into a byte array.
First Sector [MetaData]:
ModelSize (int) | SkeletonSize (int) | AnimationCount (int) | Animation0Size (int) | Animation1Size (int) | ...
Second Sector [ModelData]:
Model (ModelData)
Third Sector [Skeleton]:
Skeleton (Joint)
Fourth Sector [Animations]:
Animation0 (Animation) | Animation1 (Animation) | ... - toBytes() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MaterialData
Converting the dataStructure material into a byte array.
First Sector [MetaData]:
DefaultDiffuseColor (byte) | DefaultGlowColor (byte) | DiffuseMap size in bytes (short) | NormalMap size in bytes (short) | SpecularMap size in bytes (short) | DisplacementMap size in bytes (short) | AmbientOcclusionMap size in bytes (short) | AlphaMap size in bytes (short) | ReflectionMap size in bytes (short) | GlowMap size in bytes (short) | DefaultDisplacementFactor (byte) | DefaultTiling (byte) | DefaultShininess (byte) | DefaultShineDamping (byte)
Second Sector [Colors]:
DiffuseColor (3 floats) | GlowColor (3 floats)
Third Sector [Textures]:
DiffuseMapPath (String) | NormalMapPath (String) | SpecularMapPath (String) | DisplacementMapPath (String) | AmbientOcclusionMapPath (String) | AlphaMapPath (String) | ReflectionMapPath (String) | GlowMapPath (String)
Fourth Sector [Floats]:
DisplacementFactor (float) | Tiling (float) | Shininess (float) | ShineDamping (float) - toBytes() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MeshData
Converting the dataStructure mesh into a byte array.
First Sector [MetaData]:
VerticesSize (int) | TextureCoordinatesSize (int) | NormalsSize (int) | TangentsSize (int) | JointIdsSize (int) | WeightsSize (int) | IndicesSize (int) | MaterialSize (int) | CollisionShapeSize (int)
Second Sector [MeshParser]:
Vertices (float[]) | TextureCoordinates (float[]) | Normals (float[]) | Tangents (float[]) | JointIds (int[]) | Weights (float[]) | Indices (int[])
Third Sector [Material]:
Material (MaterialData)
Fourth Sector [CollisionShape]:
CollisionShape (String) - toBytes() - Method in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.ModelData
Converting the dataStructure model into a byte array.
First Sector [MetaData]:
MeshCount (int) | Mesh0Size (int) | Mesh1Size (int) | ...
Second Sector [Meshes]:
mMesh0 (MeshData) | Mesh1 (MeshData) | ... - toBytes(float[]) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.ByteArrayUtils
Converting a float array into a byte array
- toBytes(int[]) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.ByteArrayUtils
Converting an int array into a byte array
- toBytes(short[]) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.ByteArrayUtils
Converting a short array into a byte array
- toBytes(Matrix4f[]) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.ByteArrayUtils
Converting a matrix4f array into a byte array
- Toolbox - Class in de.coreengine.util
Class that contains some useful functions
- Toolbox() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.Toolbox
- toShape(String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.bullet.CollisionShapeParser
Parsing collision shape from string.
- toString() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Color
- toString(CollisionShape) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.bullet.CollisionShapeParser
Convert a collision shape into a string.
- TPCamera - Class in de.coreengine.system.gameObjects
Tird person camera game object
- TPCamera() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.system.gameObjects.TPCamera
- TR - de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode.Direction
- Transformation - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.model
Transformation class to store position, rotation and scale and calc the trasnformation matrix
- Transformation() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.model.Transformation
Creating new transformation and init matrices
- transMatLoc - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- trigger() - Method in class de.coreengine.network.events.SimpleEvent
Trigger the event in the network
- unbind() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.FrameBufferObject
Unbing framebuffer (bind 0) and reset glViewport to window dimension
- unbind() - Method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.IndexBuffer
Unbinds IndexBuffer from opengl (bind 0)
- unbind() - Method in class de.coreengine.util.gl.VertexArrayObject
Unbind VAO from opengl (bind 0)
- update() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Keyboard
Update keyboard listener
- update() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Mouse
Update the mouse and go to thenext frame.
- update() - Static method in class de.coreengine.framework.Window
Updates glfw window
- update() - Method in class de.coreengine.system.Scene
Updating scene
- update() - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.FrameTimer
Recalculate the fps and tslf.
- updateViewMatrix() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Camera
Check if camera was moved.
- updateVpMat() - Method in class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.light.ShadowLight
Updating shadow maps view projection matrix
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.coreengine.framework.Window.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.coreengine.network.NetworkManager.NetworkState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.coreengine.network.TCPClient.HandshakeResult
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText.Alignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum de.coreengine.framework.Window.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum de.coreengine.network.NetworkManager.NetworkState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum de.coreengine.network.TCPClient.HandshakeResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.gui.GUIText.Alignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.terrain.TerrainNode.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- VertexArrayObject - Class in de.coreengine.util.gl
Class that represent an opengl vao
- VertexArrayObject() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.util.gl.VertexArrayObject
Creates new VertexArrayObject and generate one in opengl
- vertices - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MeshData
- vpMatLoc - Variable in class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.entity.EntityShader
- warn(String, String) - Static method in class de.coreengine.util.Logger
Prints and logging warning message to console
- Water - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderable
Class that represents a renderable waterplate
- Water() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderable.Water
Creating new water
- WaterRenderer - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.renderer
Class that can render water
- WaterRenderer() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.renderer.WaterRenderer
- WaterShader - Class in de.coreengine.rendering.programs
Shader for the water renderer
- WaterShader() - Constructor for class de.coreengine.rendering.programs.WaterShader
- weights - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures.MeshData
- width - Variable in class de.coreengine.asset.TextureData
- Window - Class in de.coreengine.framework
Class to cteate and manage a glfw window
- Window.Type - Enum in de.coreengine.framework
- WindowChangedListener - Interface in de.coreengine.framework
Listener that calls window changes (size, aspect, ...)
- WINDOWED - de.coreengine.framework.Window.Type
- writeBinaryFile(String, T) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.FileLoader
Writes an object binary decoded into a file.
- writeFile(String, String[]) - Static method in class de.coreengine.asset.FileLoader
Writes an string array ascii decoded into a file.
- WRONG_PASSWORD - de.coreengine.network.TCPClient.HandshakeResult
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