Class Material

  • public class Material
    extends Object
    Class that represents a material with all its maps and parameters for a mesh
    Darius Dinger
    • Field Detail


        public static final String DEFAULT_NORMAL_MAP
        A pure blue texture (default for normal maps)
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • diffuseColor

        public Color diffuseColor
        The diffuse color describes additional color information for diffuse lighting
      • diffuseMap

        public String diffuseMap
        Diffuse map, wich contains the color information for the diffuse lighting for the specific pixels
      • normalMap

        public String normalMap
        Normal map, wich contains the normal clarification for the specific pixels
      • specularMap

        public String specularMap
        Specular map, wich contains the specific specular lighting clarification for the specific pixel
      • displacementMap

        public String displacementMap
        Displacement map, wich contains the parallax occlusion displacement clarification for the specific pixel
      • ambientOcclusionMap

        public String ambientOcclusionMap
        Ambient occlusion map, wich contains the ambient lighting clarification for the specific pixel
      • alphaMap

        public String alphaMap
        Alpha map, wich contains additionally alpha information
      • reflectionMap

        public String reflectionMap
        Reflection cube map, that contains the reflected environment
      • glowColor

        public Color glowColor
        Objects glowing color (black for no glowing)
      • glowMap

        public String glowMap
        Glowing map, wich contains, where the object glows
      • displacementFactor

        public float displacementFactor
        The displacement factor describes the intensity of the parallax occlusion mapping
      • tiling

        public float tiling
        The texture tiling, that describes the repeat of the texture
      • shininess

        public float shininess
        The shininess describes the intensity of the reflecion for enviroment /* reflection and specular lighting
      • shineDamping

        public float shineDamping
        The shine damping describes the damping for specular lighting
    • Constructor Detail

      • Material

        public Material()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public static void init()