Class FrameBufferObject

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class FrameBufferObject
    extends Object
    Class that represents a frame buffer object in opengl
    Darius Dinger
    • Constructor Detail

      • FrameBufferObject

        public FrameBufferObject​(int width,
                                 int height,
                                 boolean multisampled)
        Creates new framebuffer in opengl and attaching first color buffer (color buffer 0) and depth buffer
        width - Horizontal resolution of the fbo in pixels
        height - Vertical resolution of the fbo in pixels
        multisampled - Should fbo use multisampling
    • Method Detail

      • blitToFbo

        public final void blitToFbo​(FrameBufferObject out,
                                    int buffers)
        Blitting/writing color and depth information from this fbo into another fbo
        out - Output fbo to blit in
        buffers - Wich buffers to blit (GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)
      • blitToScreen

        public final void blitToScreen()
        Blitting this fbo onto the glfw window
      • bind

        public final void bind​(int readAttachment)
        Binding framebuffer as draw framebuffer and bind all color buffers. Sets glViewport to fbo dimension
        readAttachment - Color attachment to bind as read buffer
      • unbind

        public final void unbind()
        Unbing framebuffer (bind 0) and reset glViewport to window dimension
      • getDepthAttachment

        public final int getDepthAttachment()
        Returning the id of the depth texture, if multisampling is disabled. If multisampling is enabled, returning the id of the depth buffer
        Id of the depth texture/buffer
      • getColorAttachment0

        public final int getColorAttachment0()
        Returning the id of the color attachment texture, if multisampling is disabled. If multisampling is enabled, returning the id of the color attachment buffer
        Id of the color attachment 0 texture/renderbuffer