Class GUIPane

  • public class GUIPane
    extends Object
    Class that represent a pane for a gui
    Darius Dinger
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      GUIPane​(GUIPane parent)
      Creating new GUI Pane and setting its parent or null, if no parent gui exist
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void disableText()
      Disable text of the pane
      void enableText()
      Enable text of the pane
      Color getColor()  
      Color getPickColor()  
      float getPosX()
      Getting x pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      float getPosY()
      Getting y pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      float getPosZ()
      Getting z pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      float getRotX()
      Getting x rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      float getRotY()
      Getting y rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      float getRotZ()
      Getting z rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      float getScaleX()
      Getting vertical scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      float getScaleY()
      Getting horizontal scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      float getScaleZ()
      Getting Z scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      GUIText getText()  
      String getTexture()  
      float[] getTransMat()  
      float[] getTransMatFacing​(Camera cam)  
      boolean isFacingCamera()  
      boolean isMouseOver()
      Returns true if mouse is over gui pane.
      boolean renderText()  
      void setFacingCamera​(boolean facingCamera)
      When facing is enabled, the gui pane is always facing the camera.
      void setPosX​(float posX)
      Setting x pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      posX = posX + parent.posX
      void setPosY​(float posY)
      Setting y pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      posY = posY + parent.posY
      void setPosZ​(float posZ)
      Setting z pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      posZ = posZ + parent.posZ
      void setRotX​(float rotX)
      Setting x rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      rotX = rotX + parent.rotX
      void setRotY​(float rotY)
      Setting y rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      rotY = rotY + parent.rotY
      void setRotZ​(float rotZ)
      Setting z rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      rotZ = rotZ + parent.rotZ
      void setScaleX​(float scaleX)
      Setting vertical scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      scaleX = scaleX * parent.scaleX
      void setScaleY​(float scaleY)
      Setting horizontal scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
      scaleY = scaleY * parent.scaleY
      void setTexture​(String texture)  
    • Constructor Detail

      • GUIPane

        public GUIPane​(GUIPane parent)
        Creating new GUI Pane and setting its parent or null, if no parent gui exist
        parent - Parent GUI or null
    • Method Detail

      • enableText

        public void enableText()
        Enable text of the pane
      • disableText

        public void disableText()
        Disable text of the pane
      • renderText

        public boolean renderText()
        Rendering text of the pane?
      • getColor

        public Color getColor()
        Read/Writeable color of the pane
      • getTexture

        public String getTexture()
        TextureData of the pane
      • setTexture

        public void setTexture​(String texture)
        texture - New texture of the pane
      • setScaleX

        public void setScaleX​(float scaleX)
        Setting vertical scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        scaleX = scaleX * parent.scaleX
        scaleX - Vertical scale
      • setScaleY

        public void setScaleY​(float scaleY)
        Setting horizontal scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        scaleY = scaleY * parent.scaleY
        scaleY - Horizontal scale
      • getScaleX

        public float getScaleX()
        Getting vertical scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        Vertical scale
      • getScaleY

        public float getScaleY()
        Getting horizontal scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        Horizontal scale
      • getScaleZ

        public float getScaleZ()
        Getting Z scale of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        Z scale
      • setPosX

        public void setPosX​(float posX)
        Setting x pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        posX = posX + parent.posX
        posX - X pos
      • setPosY

        public void setPosY​(float posY)
        Setting y pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        posY = posY + parent.posY
        posY - Y pos
      • setPosZ

        public void setPosZ​(float posZ)
        Setting z pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        posZ = posZ + parent.posZ
        posZ - Z pos
      • setRotX

        public void setRotX​(float rotX)
        Setting x rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        rotX = rotX + parent.rotX
        rotX - X rotation
      • setRotY

        public void setRotY​(float rotY)
        Setting y rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        rotY = rotY + parent.rotY
        rotY - Y rotation
      • setRotZ

        public void setRotZ​(float rotZ)
        Setting z rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        rotZ = rotZ + parent.rotZ
        rotZ - Z rotation
      • getRotX

        public float getRotX()
        Getting x rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        X rotation
      • getRotY

        public float getRotY()
        Getting y rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        Y rotation
      • getRotZ

        public float getRotZ()
        Getting z rotation of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        Z rotation
      • getPosX

        public float getPosX()
        Getting x pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        X pos
      • getPosY

        public float getPosY()
        Getting y pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        Y pos
      • getPosZ

        public float getPosZ()
        Getting z pos of the pane relative to the parent pane.
        Z pos
      • isMouseOver

        public boolean isMouseOver()
        Returns true if mouse is over gui pane.
        Only works, if picking is enabled!!!
        Is mouse over gui
      • getTransMat

        public float[] getTransMat()
        Transformation matrix of the gui
      • getTransMatFacing

        public float[] getTransMatFacing​(Camera cam)
        cam - Camera that the transmat should face to
        Transformation matrix of the gui, that always facing the camera
      • getPickColor

        public Color getPickColor()
        Picking color for this gui
      • getText

        public GUIText getText()
        Get the ext for the gui pane
      • setFacingCamera

        public void setFacingCamera​(boolean facingCamera)
        When facing is enabled, the gui pane is always facing the camera. Rotations of the gui element then became redundant!
        Currenly this behave a little buggy with parent gui objects, so its not recommended to use this with parent objects.
        facingCamera - Should the gui pane always facing the camera
      • isFacingCamera

        public boolean isFacingCamera()
        True if the gui pane always facing the camera, else false