Class MasterRenderer

  • public class MasterRenderer
    extends Object
    Class that manage the whole rendering system and is the contact class for rendering stuff onto the screen
    Darius Dinger
    • Constructor Detail

      • MasterRenderer

        public MasterRenderer()
    • Method Detail

      • init

        public static void init()
        Initialize the master renderer
      • render

        public static void render()
        Rendering all from the renderlists and clear renderlists
      • getPickedColor

        public static Color getPickedColor()
        Color thats get picked by the mouse
      • renderGui2D

        public static void renderGui2D​(GUIPane gui)
        Rendering 2 dimensional gui and all its components onto the screen
        gui - Gui to render
      • renderGui3D

        public static void renderGui3D​(GUIPane gui)
        Rendering 3 dimensional gui and all its components into the world
        gui - Gui to render
      • renderLensFlare

        public static void renderLensFlare​(LensFlare lensFlare)
        Rendering lens flare effect onto the screen
        lensFlare - Lens flare to render or null to remove lens flare
      • setCamera

        public static void setCamera​(Camera cam)
        Setting the camera to render next frame from
        cam - Camera to render from
      • setSun

        public static void setSun​(Sun sun)
        Setting the sun to render in the next frame
        sun - Sun to render or null to remove sun
      • setMoon

        public static void setMoon​(Moon moon)
        Setting the moon to render in the next frame
        moon - Moon to render or null to remove moon
      • setSkybox

        public static void setSkybox​(Skybox skybox)
        Setting the skybox to render in the next frame
        skybox - Skybox to render or null to remove skybox
      • setShadowLight

        public static void setShadowLight​(ShadowLight shadowLight)
        Setting the shadow light to render shadows from in the next frame
        shadowLight - ShadowLight to render shadow from or null to remove shadows
      • getSun

        public static Sun getSun()
        Read and writeable getter for the current setted sun. Sun can be set with the setter or this getter can be used to modify the current sun. Contains null, if no moon is set!
        Read/writeable current sun or null
      • getMoon

        public static Moon getMoon()
        Read and writeable getter for the current setted moon. Sun can be set with the setter or this getter can be used to modify the current moon. Contains null, if no moon is set!
        Read/writeable current moon or null
      • renderTerrain

        public static void renderTerrain​(Terrain terrain)
        Adding a new terrain to the terrain renderlist. So it will be rendered in the next frame.
        terrain - Terrain to add
      • renderEntity

        public static void renderEntity​(Entity entity)
        Adding a new entity to the entity renderlist. So it will be rendered in the next frame.
        entity - Entity to add
      • renderAnimatedEntity

        public static void renderAnimatedEntity​(AnimatedEntity entity)
        Adding a new animated entity to the animated entity renderlist. So it will be rendered in the next frame.
        entity - Entity to add
      • renderWater

        public static void renderWater​(Water water)
        Adding a new water to the water renderlist. So it will be rendered in the next frame.
        water - Water to add
      • renderPointLight

        public static void renderPointLight​(PointLight light)
        Adding a new point light to the point light renderlist. So it will be rendered in the next frame.
        Maximum lights is defined by the DeferredShader.MAX_LIGHTS variable. All extra lights will not be rendered
        light - Point light to add
      • renderSpotLight

        public static void renderSpotLight​(SpotLight light)
        Adding a new spot light to the spot light renderlist. So it will be rendered in the next frame.
        Maximum lights is defined by the DeferredShader.MAX_LIGHTS variable. All extra lights will not be rendered
        light - Spot light to add
      • renderAmbientLight

        public static void renderAmbientLight​(AmbientLight light)
        Adding a new ambient light to the ambient light renderlist. So it will be rendered in the next frame.
        Maximum lights is defined by the DeferredShader.MAX_LIGHTS variable. All extra lights will not be rendered
        light - Ambient light to add
      • renderDirectionalLight

        public static void renderDirectionalLight​(DirectionalLight light)
        Adding a new directional light to the directional light renderlist. So it will be rendered in the next frame.
        Maximum lights is defined by the DeferredShader.MAX_LIGHTS variable. All extra lights will not be rendered
        light - Directional light to add
      • renderParticle

        public static void renderParticle​(Particle particle)
        Adding new particle to the particle renderlist. So it will be rendered in the next frame
        particle - Particle to add
      • getGBUFFER

        public static GBuffer getGBUFFER()
        GBuffer with the rendered scene
      • getCamera

        public static Camera getCamera()
        Current camera, the scene gets rendered from
      • getSkybox

        public static Skybox getSkybox()
        Current set skybox, or null when no skybox is set