Uses of Class
Packages that use VertexArrayObject Package Description de.coreengine.rendering.model de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons -
Uses of VertexArrayObject in de.coreengine.rendering.model
Methods in de.coreengine.rendering.model that return VertexArrayObject Modifier and Type Method Description VertexArrayObject
Font. getVao()
Mesh. getVao()
Constructors in de.coreengine.rendering.model with parameters of type VertexArrayObject Constructor Description Font(String textureAtlas, HashMap<Integer,Character> characters, VertexArrayObject vao, float lineHeight)
Creating new fontMesh(VertexArrayObject vao, IndexBuffer indexBuffer, com.bulletphysics.collision.shapes.CollisionShape shape)
Creating new model and set the material to default materialMesh(VertexArrayObject vao, IndexBuffer indexBuffer, Material material, com.bulletphysics.collision.shapes.CollisionShape shape)
Creating new model with all parameters -
Uses of VertexArrayObject in de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons
Methods in de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons that return VertexArrayObject Modifier and Type Method Description VertexArrayObject
TerrainMesh. getVao()
Constructors in de.coreengine.rendering.model.singletons with parameters of type VertexArrayObject Constructor Description TerrainMesh(VertexArrayObject vao, IndexBuffer fullMesh, IndexBuffer morphT, IndexBuffer morphB, IndexBuffer morphR, IndexBuffer morphL, IndexBuffer morphTL, IndexBuffer morphTR, IndexBuffer morphBL, IndexBuffer morphBR)
Create new terrain mesh with its morphing variants into lower lod