Class PostProcessingEffect

    • Field Detail

      • shader

        protected final PPShader shader
    • Constructor Detail

      • PostProcessingEffect

        public PostProcessingEffect​(PPShader shader)
        Creating newpost processing effect and setting its shader.
        shader - Shader of the pp effect
    • Method Detail

      • setUniforms

        protected abstract void setUniforms()
      • prepare

        public void prepare​(int color,
                            int depth)
        Preparing the effect
        color - Color input texture for the effect
        depth - Depth input texture for the effect
      • addImpliedEffects

        public abstract void addImpliedEffects​(List<PostProcessingEffect> effects)
        Adding all effects that will be implied by this effect to the list.
        effects - List to add implied effects
      • exit

        public void exit()
        Exiting the effect