Class GameObject

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected GameObject parent  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected void addActionToPhysicWorld​(com.bulletphysics.dynamics.ActionInterface ai)
      Adding action interface object to the physics world of the scene
      void addChild​(GameObject child)
      Adding a new child game object to the childs and setting this as parent
      protected void addRigidBodyToWorld​(com.bulletphysics.dynamics.RigidBody rb)
      Adding rigidbody to the physics world of the game objects scene
      Scene getScene()
      Getting scene of this game object, by getting scene of the root game object of the tree
      protected void onAdd()
      This method gets called once, when the GameObject is added to a scene, or to another GameObject as child.
      void onInit()
      This method gets called once in the GameObject life cycle.
      void onLoad​(byte[] state)
      This method gets called asynchronous, when the game wants to GameObject to recreate its state from saved data.
      void onPauseUpdate()
      This method gets called every frame when the game is paused before the render method.
      protected void onRemove()
      This method gets called once, when the GameObject gets removed from a scene or its parent GameObject (if it had one).
      void onRender()
      In this method the GameObject gets rendered onto the screen (if it has an graphical representation).
      byte[] onSave()
      This method gets called asynchronous, when the game wants the GameObject to save its current state.
      void onSyncronize()
      This method gets called, every time a network update occurs.
      void onUpdate()
      This method gets called every frame before the render method.
      void removeChild​(GameObject child)
      Removing child game object from childs
      void setShouldRender​(boolean shouldRender)
      Should the gameobject and all childrens get rendered
      void setShouldSyncronize​(boolean shouldSyncronize)
      Should the gameobject and all childrens get syncronized
      void setShouldUpdate​(boolean shouldUpdate)
      Should the gameobject and all childrens get updated
    • Constructor Detail

      • GameObject

        public GameObject()
    • Method Detail

      • onInit

        public void onInit()
        This method gets called once in the GameObject life cycle. Even if the GameObject gets removed and readded, this method dont gets called again. Its like an additional constructor, except that its not gets called when the GameObject gets created, but when its first has to action.
      • onSyncronize

        public void onSyncronize()
        This method gets called, every time a network update occurs. Here the GameObject has to syncronize all used network variables, like SyncFloats, SimpleEvents, ChatEvents, SyncMatrices, ...
      • onUpdate

        public void onUpdate()
        This method gets called every frame before the render method. Here is place for the GameObject logic updates, e.g. input handling, physics, actions, ...
      • onPauseUpdate

        public void onPauseUpdate()
        This method gets called every frame when the game is paused before the render method.
      • onRender

        public void onRender()
        In this method the GameObject gets rendered onto the screen (if it has an graphical representation). Its primary used for MasterRenderer calls.
      • onAdd

        protected void onAdd()
        This method gets called once, when the GameObject is added to a scene, or to another GameObject as child. If the GameObject gets removed and readded, the method will be called again.
      • onRemove

        protected void onRemove()
        This method gets called once, when the GameObject gets removed from a scene or its parent GameObject (if it had one). If the GameObject gets added and removed again, the method will be called again.
      • onSave

        public byte[] onSave()
        This method gets called asynchronous, when the game wants the GameObject to save its current state. If you have to save your current state, convert the relevant data into bytes and return them in this method.
        Current state in bytes
      • onLoad

        public void onLoad​(byte[] state)
        This method gets called asynchronous, when the game wants to GameObject to recreate its state from saved data. This method passing a byte array, which contains the data, the GameObject saved/returned with the onSave method.
        state - Loaded state in bytes
      • addChild

        public final void addChild​(GameObject child)
        Adding a new child game object to the childs and setting this as parent
        child - Child to add
      • removeChild

        public final void removeChild​(GameObject child)
        Removing child game object from childs
        child - Game object to remove
      • getScene

        public Scene getScene()
        Getting scene of this game object, by getting scene of the root game object of the tree
        Scene of the game object
      • addRigidBodyToWorld

        protected void addRigidBodyToWorld​(com.bulletphysics.dynamics.RigidBody rb)
        Adding rigidbody to the physics world of the game objects scene
        rb - Rigidbody to add to physics world
      • addActionToPhysicWorld

        protected void addActionToPhysicWorld​(com.bulletphysics.dynamics.ActionInterface ai)
        Adding action interface object to the physics world of the scene
        ai - Action interface object to add
      • setShouldRender

        public void setShouldRender​(boolean shouldRender)
        Should the gameobject and all childrens get rendered
        shouldRender - New value of should render
      • setShouldUpdate

        public void setShouldUpdate​(boolean shouldUpdate)
        Should the gameobject and all childrens get updated
        shouldUpdate - New value of should update
      • setShouldSyncronize

        public void setShouldSyncronize​(boolean shouldSyncronize)
        Should the gameobject and all childrens get syncronized
        shouldSyncronize - New value of should syncronize