All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description AL Class to manage openAL stuffAmbientLight Class that represents an ambient light in the sceneAnimated AnimatedEntity Class that represents an animated entity in the worldAnimatedEntityRenderer Renderer that can render an model into the worldAnimatedEntityShader Shader for the animated entity rendererAnimatedModel AnimatedModelData Animation Represents a animation that can be played by an animated modelAnimationParser Animator AssetDatabase Class to store loaded assetsAudioListener Class that represents a listener for the audiosAudioSource Class that represents a audio source to play audio fromBlockedList<T> Linked list that is securedby a semaphoreBoneParser BufferUtils Buffer utilitiesButton Class that represents a button in the 2d or 3d worldButtonListener Listener for the Button classByteArrayUtils Utilities with byte arraysCamera Represent a moveable camera in the 3d worldCameraRay Class that can calcthe ray, the camera is looking toCeaLoader Class that can load cea (Core Engine Animated Model) filesCemLoader Class that can load cem (Core Engine Model) files (see de.coreengine.asset.dataStructures)Character Class that represent a character of a fontChatEvent Event class for chatsCollisionShapeParser Parse and unparsing collisionshapes from/into stringsColor Represent a color in syncron rgb, hsb and srgb color modelsConfiguration Class that can load a config file with default values and stores themCube3D Representing a simple 3 dimensional cube modelDayNightCycle Class that can simulate a day night cycle with skybox, fog and sunDeferredRenderer Representing a renderer that rendering deferred lights into a gbufferDeferredShader Representing the shader for the deferred light rendering with a gbufferDirectionalLight Represents a directional light in the sceneDofEffect Dof effect for the post processerDofPPShader Shader for dof effectEntity Class that represents an entity in the worldEntityRenderer Renderer that can render an model into the worldEntityShader Shader for the object renderer Default simple entity shader.EntityShaderAdvanced Shader for the object renderer More advanced entity shader.Event Abstract class for network eventsFileLoader Class that can read and write files onto the driveFntLoader Class that can load a fnt file and its texture atlasFogEffect Fog effect for the post processerFogPPShader Shader for fog effectFont Class that represent a font to render textFontRenderer Class that can render a GUITextFontShader Shader for the font rendererFPCamera Represents a first person camera to walk aroundFrameBufferObject Class that represents a frame buffer object in openglFrameTimer Class that calculates the time since last second and the fpsGame Class that manage the whole gameGameObject Class that represents an object in the gameGaussianBlurEffect GaussianBlurPPShader GBuffer Class that represent a gBuffer fbo for deferred renderingGLFW Class to manage glfw contextGrassland Class that represent a grassland for a terrainGrasslandRenderer Class that can render a grasslandGrasslandShader Shader for a grassland rendererGUIChar Class that represent a renderable characterGUIPane Class that represent a pane for a guiGUIRenderer Class that can render 2d/3d gui elements/panesGUIShader Shader for the gui rendererGUIText Class that represents a renderable textGUIText.Alignment HsbEffect Hue, saturation and value post processing effectHsbPPShader Hue, saturation and brightness post processing shader for the hsb effect rendererIndexBuffer Class that represent an opengl index bufferJoint Keyboard Class for checking key statesKeyFrame<Component> KeyFrameList<Component> Class that stores a list of keyframes for a specific componentLensFlare Class that represent a lens flare effect to renderLensFlareRenderer Renderer that can render a lens flar effectLensFlareShader Shader forthe lens flare rendererLightScatteringEffect Light scattering effect for the post processerLightScatteringPPShader Shader for the light scattering effectList List gui elementLogger Class to manage loggingMasterRenderer Class that manage the whole rendering system and is the contact class for rendering stuff onto the screenMaterial Class that represents a material with all its maps and parameters for a meshMaterialData Material data that can be stored into a file
A value of null means the default value of a materialMaterialParser MemoryDumper Class that clean up memory after game quitsMesh Class that represent a simple model, wich has only one material and consists of only one meshMeshData MeshParser Model Class that represents a complex model with variouse meshesModelData Model data that can be saved in a fileModelLoader Class for loading model files
Supported Formats (From Assimp):
COMMON INTERCHANGE FORMATS (An asterisk indicates limited support)
Autodesk ( .fbx )
Collada ( .dae )
glTF ( .gltf, .glb )
Blender 3D ( .blend )
3ds Max 3DS ( .3ds )
3ds Max ASE ( .ase )
Wavefront Object ( .obj )
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC/Step) ( .ifc )
XGL ( .xgl,.zgl )
Stanford Polygon Library ( .ply )
*AutoCAD DXF ( .dxf )
LightWave ( .lwo )
LightWave Scene ( .lws )
Modo ( .lxo )
Stereolithography ( .stl )
DirectX X ( .x )
AC3D ( .ac )
Milkshape 3D ( .ms3d )
* TrueSpace ( .cob,.scn )
*OpenGEX ( .ogex )
*X3D ( .x3d )
*3MF ( .3mf )
Biovision BVH ( .bvh )
* CharacterStudio Motion ( .csm )
Ogre XML ( .xml )
Irrlicht Mesh ( .irrmesh )
* Irrlicht Scene ( .irr )
Quake I ( .mdl )
Quake II ( .md2 )
Quake III Mesh ( .md3 )
Quake III Map/BSP ( .pk3 )
* Return to Castle Wolfenstein ( .mdc )
Doom 3 ( .md5* )
*Valve Model ( .smd,.vta )
*Open Game Engine Exchange ( .ogex )
*Unreal ( .3d )
BlitzBasic 3D ( .b3d )
Quick3D ( .q3d,.q3s )
Neutral File Format ( .nff )
Sense8 WorldToolKit ( .nff )
Object File Format ( .off )
PovRAY Raw ( .raw )
Terragen Terrain ( .ter )
3D GameStudio (3DGS) ( .mdl )
3D GameStudio (3DGS) Terrain ( .hmp )
Izware Nendo ( .ndo )
Moon Class that reprsents a moon for post processing and lighting calculationMouse Class to manage the cursor and get mouse inputsMovingParticle NetworkManager Class that manaes network stuffNetworkManager.NetworkState Network state of the game (one of):
- DEDICATED_SERVER (Only server)
- HOSTER (Hosting client)
- CLIENT (Connected Client)
- SINGLE (Singleplayer)NodeParser NumericUpDown Class that represents a numeric input fieldOggLoader Class that can load a sound filePair<KeyType,ValueType> Alternate class for javafx.util.Pair, as its not longer part of the JDKParticle ParticleRenderer Renderer that can render 3d particlesParticleShader ParticleSystem Physics Class that contains someuseful jbullet methodsPlayerGameObject Gameobject that can be spawned by a clientPoint3D Representing a simple 3 dimensional point model singletonPointLight Represent a point light in the scene with specific rangePostProcesser Can apply post processing effects to the scenePostProcessingEffect Represents a template for an effect for the postprocesserPPShader Shader for a post processing effectProtocol Class that handles network messengesQuad2D Representing a simple 2 dimensional quad model singletonRadialBlurEffect Effect that can apply an radial blur to the post processing processRadialBlurPPShader Shader for the radial blur effectScene Class that represent a scene/level in the gameShader Class that represents an opengl shader programShadowBox ShadowLight Represents a shadow light in the scene.ShadowMapRenderer ShadowMapShader Simple Game object of a simple entity, that does nothingSimpleButtonListener Simple version of the button listenerSimpleEvent Simpleevent class, that can handle an event in the networkSkybox Class that represents a skyboxSkyboxRenderer Renderer that can render a skyboxSkyboxShader Shader for the skybox rendererSpotLight Class that represents a spot light, basical a point light with a specific direction and light cone angleSun Class that reprsents a sun for post processing and lighting calculationSunMoonRenderer Class that can render a sun texture into the sceneSunMoonShader Shader for the sun rendererSyncFloat Float that can be syncronized in a networkSyncMatrix Float that can be syncronized in a networkSyncronized Class that represents an object that can be syncronized in a networkSyncTransformation Transformation that can be syncronized in a networkTCPClient Client class for a tcp connectionTCPClient.HandshakeResult Result values for a tcp handshakeTCPServer Server class for a tcp connectionTCPServerClient A client of a tcp serverTerrain Class that represents a terrain in the sceneTerrainConfig Class that represent a configuration for a terrainTerrainMesh Class that represent one terrain grid and its morphing variants into lower lodTerrainMeshLoader Class that loading the terrain mesh and its morphing levelsTerrainNode Class that represents one node of the terrain quadtreeTerrainNode.Direction TerrainRenderer Class that can render a terrain into a gBufferTerrainShader Class that represent a shader programm for the terrain shader pipelineTerrainShapeCreator Class that can create a terrain collision shapeTerrainTexturePack Class that represents a texture pack for a terrainTextField Class that represents a textfield in the 2d or 3d worldTextFieldListener Listener for a textfieldTextureData Class that stores image data and represent and drive imageTextureLoader Class for loading Textures from drive
Supported Formats (From STB):
JPEG baseline and progressive (12 bpc/arithmetic not supported, same as stock IJG lib
PNG 1/2/4/8/16-bit-per-channel
TGA (not sure what subset, if a subset)
BMP non-1bpp, non-RLE
PSD (composited view only, no extra channels, 8/16 bit-per-channel)
GIF (*desired_channels always reports as 4-channel)
HDR (radiance rgbE format)
PIC (Softimage PIC)
PNM (PPM and PGM binary only)
Toolbox Class that contains some useful functionsTPCamera Tird person camera game objectTransformation Transformation class to store position, rotation and scale and calc the trasnformation matrixVertexArrayObject Class that represent an opengl vaoWater Class that represents a renderable waterplateWaterRenderer Class that can render waterWaterShader Shader for the water rendererWindow Class to cteate and manage a glfw windowWindow.Type WindowChangedListener Listener that calls window changes (size, aspect, ...)